Chapter 1645 Oh, they came to thank you

"What are you still doing?" Ye Huansha was angry, and shouted: "Hurry up and torture the two of them to my lady, so that I can eliminate my hatred in my heart."

As soon as her words fell, she felt pain in her other leg, and in an instant, she fell to the ground again.

Just as Liu Cheng was about to say something, she also felt a pain in her knee, so she knelt and sat on the ground.

More than 20 servants stopped abruptly and stared at Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng as if they were monsters.

"What did you two do to us?" Ye Huansha asked through gritted teeth.

She is quite a fool, so she naturally felt something was wrong.

Liu Cheng also had a look of resentment, looking at her viciously.

Baili Qinxue shrugged and put on a dazed look, "What did you do? We've been here all this time, and we haven't done anything?"

Hearing this, Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha looked at each other in blank dismay.

The two of them were indeed standing all the time without moving, so why on earth?

More than 20 young servants trembled, "There must be some monsters and ghosts playing tricks, or there must be some kind of magic on them... This is really scary, let's run away, they... We can't afford to mess with them... ..."

"I just don't believe in this evil..." Ye Huansha stood up and walked straight towards the two of them.


After walking a few steps, Ye Huansha fell down on the floor again.

This time, the pain in her leg was even worse, and she gritted her teeth in pain, and she couldn't stand up because of the pain.

"Damn hurts..." Ye Huansha clutched her thigh and rolled on the ground in pain.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng abruptly stopped her steps.

It hurts so much...

More than 20 servants also took a few steps back in fright, "Evil magic, it must be evil... This is too scary, we dare not do it again, we will leave now..."

After all, more than 20 servants turned around and wanted to leave.

Ye Huansha was stunned, and hurriedly called out: "Don't go, quickly take Miss Ben out."

The boys turned back, quickly pulled Ye Huansha up, and left without looking back.

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth and followed closely behind.

It's really evil today, it can't teach that little bitch a lesson, but makes himself look ugly, it's just hateful.

"Damn little bitch, I'll let you go today, and I won't be so lucky next time." Before Liu Cheng left, she put down these words viciously.

As soon as the words fell, she only felt pain in her arm, so painful that she almost thought her arm was broken.

This nasty little bitch...

Liu Cheng gave them a hard look, but didn't dare to speak nonsense.

As soon as they left, Baili Qinxue directly covered her lips and laughed, "To be said to have sorcerer's magic... People's imagination is really rich."

Dugu Sheng sneered, "It's because they are too weak that they make a fuss out of a molehill."

Baili Qinxue played with the pebbles in her hands. Each pebble was extremely small, but when thrown, it was extremely lethal. "It's really interesting that a few pebbles can knock them back."

Dugu Sheng didn't speak, just smiled and rubbed her hair.

At this time, the two princesses and Jing Ye came over again.

"I saw Ye Huansha and the others coming over just now, but they slipped away in despair afterwards." Bei Ruyue blinked suspiciously, and asked, "What are they here for?"

Baili Qinxue laughed and said nonsense, "Oh, they are here to thank you."


(End of this chapter)

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