Chapter 1648 Departure to the island! ! !

Is it really okay to let others search for your own things?
Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled helplessly, but after a while, she was startled.

"You want to take me to the mysterious island?" She chuckled, with a little surprise in her eyes.

Dugu Sheng nodded, his eyes were firm, and he didn't seem to be joking at all, "Naturally, didn't I tell you before that I want to take you to the mysterious island?"

The surprise in her eyes faded away, but Baili Qinxue still had some weird emotions, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

The surprise in Jing Ye's eyes was no less than Baili Qinxue.

It's no small matter that the young master wants to take an outsider to the mysterious island.

However, this should not be regarded as an outsider... She will become the young lady in the future.

Jing Ye gritted his teeth, and suppressed what he wanted to say in his heart, he didn't care what the young master liked.

"How, how?" Dugu Sheng's eyes were shining, and he was dangling like a puppy, "Axue, are you going to the mysterious island or not?"

His eyes are too bright, people can't bear to refuse.

Baili Qinxue was silent for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, then go, I will search a lot of things by then."

Dugu Sheng's eyes brightened again, just like the sparkling lake surface, with ripples slowly rippling out, "Of course everything on the island belongs to Axue, Axue can take whatever she wants, Me too……"

He blinked ambiguously, but did not continue.

Baili Qinxue blushed when she heard this.

According to his pissing nature, he must want to say that even he belongs to her...

So shameless.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Dugu Sheng pinched her cheek.

Baili Qinxue glared at him a few times, her face turned even redder, "You kid, don't make any moves."

Dugu Sheng blinked his eyes and smiled wickedly.

The dragon tortoise hunting battle came to an end, and the nobles all dispersed. The king of the Northern Continent sat in the palanquin, and a group of eunuchs lifted the palanquin. The palanquin swayed, causing the majesty to comfortably close his eyes.

The two princesses also followed behind the sedan chair, not forgetting to walk in the direction of the palace.

After a while, there were fewer and fewer people outside the forest. Ye Huansha saw that she couldn't buy the dragon tortoise crystal core, and immediately left in despair with more than 20 servants.

"What are your plans for the future?" Cang Molian's voice came from above her head, and then slowly fell into her ears.

Baili Qinxue looked sideways, raised her eyelids and said, "We've been staying in the North Continent for a long time, and we're going back."

She wouldn't say that they were going to the mysterious island.

Cang Molian nodded her forehead, but there was still no wave in her eyes.

"Well, have a good trip." Cang Molian lowered her eyebrows, and the lotus imprint on her forehead became more vivid under the light.

Baili Qinxue nodded and smiled.

After a group of people bid farewell to each other, they parted ways.

After reaching a remote place outside the forest, Baili Qinxue stopped and asked, "How should I get to the mysterious island?"

Dugu Sheng waited for her to ask, and when she heard her speak, his eyes were flying, and a few smiles filled his eyes, "The island is on the lake, and there are many dangers on the lake, and it is difficult to pass by by boat. Naturally, we need the blue car to drive us over."

Baili Qinxue asked with a smile, "How did Jingye go back last time?"

He should not have Qinglong.

Jing Ye raised his eyes and said with a straight look: "I went back by boat. Although there are many obstacles on the lake, those obstacles were laid by the old master and the young master. I can solve them, but..."


(End of this chapter)

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