Chapter 1649 The Mysterious Island Looms
Jing Ye paused, and then said: "It took many days, and sometimes the ship almost sank due to wind and waves, so flying over is the best choice."

"So that's it." Baili Qinxue nodded, then turned her gaze to Dugu Sheng, "Shall we set off now?"

Dugu Sheng nodded quickly when he heard the words, "Yes, let's go now."

His family, Axue, was anxious to visit her husband's house, how could he not agree.

After the words fell, he happily summoned Qing Ge out.

It's been a long time since I saw Qinggan, it's still the same, its eyes lit up when it saw Dugu Sheng, it knelt down on one knee and put its hands on its chest, it looked very gentlemanly in every move.

"My master, you finally thought of Qing Ge."

After saying that, it raised its head and looked at Dugu Sheng with burning eyes.

Dugu Sheng glanced at it, pretending to be cold and said: "In a while, take us back to the mysterious island."

Hearing this, Qing Ge's eyes lit up again, "My master, are you going to take the young lady home?"

Did you go home to give birth to a bun?
Ahhhh, human beings always mature so early, get married and have children so early, the little radish before will turn around to be a father, hey...

Dugu Sheng felt comfortable hearing these words, he rolled his eyes and gave Qing Hu a good look, "Well, you're right."

Qing Ge smiled politely and gently, and said, "That's great, the young master is going to be a father."

"Knowledgeable..." Dugu Sheng raised his lips high, and sang together with Qing Ge.

Baili Qinxue's cheeks flushed when she heard this.

It's better to go home or something, why is being a father involved...

They haven't done anything yet, how could they be fathers?

Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, but remained calm.

After talking for a while, the voices of the two of them gradually became quieter.

As soon as Qing Ge turned his head, he saw Jing Ye standing seriously aside, his eyes lit up again, and he said more gently: "Xiao Jingye, you are here too, you didn't cause trouble for my master, did you?"

Jing Ye instantly turned into dead fish eyes, and he stared at Qing Ge fiercely.

What the hell is causing trouble? As long as the young master doesn't play tricks on him, he will be thankful.

How dare he cause trouble?

"No trouble." Jing Ye raised his eyebrows and said confidently.

Qing Ge raised his eyebrows and smiled gently, "Well, it's good that I didn't cause trouble."

After all, it immediately transformed into the appearance of a green dragon, hovered in the sky for a while, and then swooped down immediately.

The three of them jumped onto the dragon's back immediately, and Qing Ge raised his head to the sky and roared, then rushed to the sky.

The southeast of Qingxuan Continent is the mysterious lake, and there is a mysterious island looming in the clouds and mist on the lake.

Qing Ge's flying speed was really fast, as if in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived near the mysterious lake. It was the first time for Baili Qinxue to come to this place, so he couldn't help being attracted by the scenery around the lake.

only see...

The lake is surrounded by countless clouds and mists. The clouds and mists are misty, with a hint of cool air. When the clouds and mists were misty, Baili Qinxue saw a small island, which was looming in the clouds and mists. It looked extremely sacred and mysterious, just like a fairy island. .

"It's really a beautiful place." Baili Qinxue raised her lips and praised.

Qing Ge continued: "Young Madam, the more beautiful the place is, the more dangerous it is, just like the lake in front of you, it will be that small island in the clouds."

Baili Qinxue curled her lips into a smile, "I know that."

She doesn't care about Young Madam or anything else, as long as she blocks it.


(End of this chapter)

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