Chapter 1663 Are you still a Summoner?


He was indeed an extremely young, handsome, and noble man.

But the emotion in the eyes is very unpleasant, as if there is some kind of danger, it can't help but make people alert.

"Just to go to the mainland to see and play." Dugu Mantian put down his teacup and said with a smile, "If you bastard can go to the mainland, why can't I?"

She smiled lightly, but failed to dispel the vicissitudes in her eyes.

Baili Qinxue felt that his smile was not sincere.

But Dugu Sheng is his son, how could he not be sincere?

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, always feeling an indescribable sense of disobedience.

Dugu Sheng opened his robe and sat down, muttering, "You old man is interesting, you started talking about me before I mentioned you, tell me quickly, what interesting things did you encounter on the mainland?"

Dugu looked all over the sky, his eyes were like black ink, and seemed to have some kind of magical power, "I saw a lot of interesting things on the road. If I want to talk about it, I might have to talk about it for ten days and ten nights. Are you sure you want to listen?"

Ten days and ten nights?

The corner of Dugu Sheng's mouth twitched, and he dropped it immediately, "Forget it, I don't want to hear you chanting scriptures, by the way, guess what fun things happened to me on the mainland?"

Dugu Mantian still stared at him, "Jing Ye told me that you have a girl you like, and you also said that you will set up a red makeup on the island and marry that girl here."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue's eyes twitched.

He also said this to Jing Ye?
I don't know at all...

"Axue is my treasure, and any treasure on the island can't compare to her." Dugu Sheng laughed, the pampering in his eyes was about to overflow, "Old man, Axue is here too, what do you think?" Don't want to see your future daughter-in-law?"

What the hell, she hasn't agreed yet...

"Is that the woman standing at the door?" Dugu Mantian also noticed her.

Knowing that she couldn't hide anymore, Baili Qinxue flicked her sleeves and walked forward steadily.

"Hello, Uncle, I'm Baili Qinxue." Baili Qinxue stood up straight, and when she raised her eyes, they met his gaze.

Her eyes are calm and neither humble nor overbearing.

Dugu Mantian was calm at first, but after seeing her face clearly, his body trembled and his eyes widened slightly, but he quickly regained his calm.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, although it was subtle, she still noticed the change in him.

What happened to her face?

Why do you show this expression?
Baili Qinxue touched her cheek subconsciously, but her heart trembled in an instant, and a coolness swept over her whole body.

It felt like being watched by a beast.

And the source of this gaze...

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and looked at Dugu Mantian again.

This man is very strange, as if carrying some kind of hostility, scary...

"Are you a magician?" After a long time, Dugu Mantian finally asked.

Baili Qinxue's forehead.

Dugu Mantian looked closer, and asked again: "Are you still a summoner?"

Baili Qinxue frowned after hearing this.

People who just met, wouldn't ask these things out of their mouths, right?
This man is strange...

Baili Qinxue stood upright and shook her head sincerely.

Dugu Mantian stroked the teacup, and said again: "Aren't you a summoner?"

The unrelenting tone seemed to be pressing every step of the way.

Is this strange man sick?

He said no and asked, what exactly does he want to do?

Baili Qinxue stood upright, quietly meeting his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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