Chapter 1664 She looks like an old friend...

Baili Qinxue was relatively calm and did not show dissatisfaction.

Dugu Sheng also noticed that something was wrong with Dugu Mantian, so why did he ask these questions the moment they met?
He frowned, and hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, "Old man, what the hell are you asking? Look, it scared my little daughter-in-law. If I had known, I wouldn't have shown it to you."

Dugu Mantian pursed his lips, and Shu Er took his eyes back.

Baili Qinxue only felt that the surrounding air smelled a little better, and the coercion from her body also dissipated a lot.

"It's nothing, I just think she has a very good foundation and is very suitable to be a summoner, and..." Dugu Mantian paused, and looked at Baili Qinxue again, with mixed emotions in her eyes, carrying a strong coercion, " She is very similar to an old friend of mine, so I couldn't help asking a few questions..."

"Old man?" Dugu Sheng frowned, always feeling a little strange, "The old man's old man, is he similar to A Xue?"

Baili Qinxue also squinted her eyes and listened attentively.

However, Dugu Mantian groaned, but stopped talking.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, feeling anxious in her heart, but her face remained calm.

After a while, Dugu Mantian finally opened his mouth, "Well, it's quite similar..."

Dugu Sheng was surprised, and couldn't help blinking, "I didn't know you, old man, have such an old friend."

If so, he must still remember it.

Dugu Mantian looked back, with a smile in his eyes, "It happened many years ago. You were not born at that time, so naturally you don't remember."

"Really?" Dugu Sheng murmured, his eyebrows slightly lowered.

He is keen, so he can naturally feel the strangeness of the old man, but this is, why?

Dugu Mantian smiled, but didn't speak.

Baili Qinxue bit her lip, but it was not easy.

She could feel the coercion from Dugu Mantian from time to time, and it was all directed at her.

"Old man, what do you think of my little daughter-in-law?" Dugu Sheng changed the subject.

Lonely Mantian raised his teacup and took another sip, "Very beautiful, she is a lovely person, and you... are a perfect match, and I am also very satisfied..."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Opening your eyes and talking nonsense, you are clearly dissatisfied, but you still pretend to be satisfied.

There is definitely something wrong with this guy, and she wants to leave quickly.

"I feel a little tired, I want to go back and have a rest." Baili Qinxue stroked her forehead and said.

Dugu Sheng also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and wanted to leave, "Axue, I will go back with you, old man, we will leave first."

After that, he supported her, and the two turned their backs.

Dugu Mantian looked at the backs of the two, his eyes became darker.

It was as if a poisonous snake had exposed its snake letter, and that gaze was frightening.

Baili Qinxue's heart froze, even with her back turned, she could still feel the strangeness and terror in his eyes.

It was not until leaving the hall that Baili Qinxue let out a long sigh of relief.

"I think the old man is a bit strange." Dugu Sheng said suddenly.

He also feels this way?
Hearing this, Baili Qinxue stopped immediately and looked at him with gloomy eyes: "Actually, I also have the same feeling. Your father seems to be targeting me on purpose, but I don't know where I offended him. After all, We just met for the first time."

Dugu Sheng also felt it.

Especially Dugu Mantian, who is pressing every step of the way in the matter of the summoner, really makes people think about it.

"I don't know why this happened..." Dugu Sheng frowned, and the magnificent eyes reflected in the sun instantly faded and darkened, leaving only a trace of deep thought lingering in them, "The old man is not like this usually, maybe It's because that old man is too important, that's why he lost his composure..."


(End of this chapter)

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