Chapter 1675 A Small Tribe of Giants

Baili Qinxue nodded, feeling a little restless as if she had overlooked something.

After a while, her eyes suddenly lit up and she asked a question.

"Did they just say that they caught an outsider?"

After recalling it, Qing Huan hurriedly nodded, "Yes, I heard that, what Young Madam means is..."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, "It should be Jing Ye."

Qing Ge played with his fingertips and muttered, "I got caught, it's going to be hard..."

If he saves people, the giants will be vigilant, if he doesn't save people, Jing Ye will become a meal on their plate, everything is not very good...

Qing Ge held his chin and couldn't help frowning.

Baili Qinxue sipped her lips and said: "People must be rescued, and the two ingredients must also be taken. When you come to the top of the sea of ​​clouds, you are destined to fight the giants. You can come here as you can."

Jing Ye came with her, so there can be no mistakes.


Qing Ge covered her mouth, "Young Madam, don't make a sound, two giants are coming..."

As soon as it finished speaking, the light in front of the two of them was blocked again.

"What's the matter, I didn't see any outsiders at all, could it be that the patriarch made a mistake?" The strong and powerful voice came again.

Immediately afterwards, a clearer voice sounded again, "Don't talk nonsense, the patriarch is the highest authority of our clan, and everything he says is correct, and we cannot question it."

"I know, I know, what are you so nervous about, I'm just talking casually."

"You can't just say it casually, be careful not to be overheard by others, and report to the patriarch." The crisp voice threatened.

A strong and powerful voice asked: "Then what should we do now, no outsiders have found it?"

"Let's tell the patriarch truthfully. To be honest, we didn't see any outsiders. The patriarch should understand us." The crisp voice sounded again, and it sounded calmer than the other one.

The other giant nodded, "Well, that's the only way to do it."

As the two giants spoke, they immediately turned around and walked towards the small tribe deep in the forest.

As soon as the two giants left, the two of them got out of the haystack.

Looking at the big footprints on the ground, Qing Ge felt a little creepy, "They have finally gone away, are we going to sneak into the small tribe at this moment?"

Baili Qinxue looked into the depths of the forest, nodded and said: "Well, it's time to go and investigate, but it's better for us to be more cautious, after all, we are different from them, we will be discovered if we are not careful. "

There is a big difference in body height, if you are not careful, you will be caught by them.

If you want to disguise yourself, you can't get in, it's really nerve-wracking...

The two set off immediately, following the footprints of the giant, and walked towards the small tribe inside.

Soon, Baili Qinxue discovered the small tribe.

At the gate of the small tribe, there were actually two giants standing there, holding weapons in their hands, they should be guards at the gate.

The two did not enter directly, but hid in the grass and directly observed the situation over there.

There are not only two giants at the door, but there are five or six giants patrolling with weapons inside. Each giant is tall and strong, and it is difficult to retreat completely if they face it head-on.

"There are so many giants in this small tribe." Qing Gou pushed aside the grass and had a panoramic view of the situation inside.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes and pursed her lips, "This is only what appeared in front of my eyes. There are probably more inside. Once exposed, I will have to confront many giants. It is really not a correct choice."


(End of this chapter)

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