Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1676 Infiltrate!sneak into!infiltrate small tribes

Chapter 1676 Infiltrate!sneak into!infiltrate small tribes

At this moment, she only wanted to find out the terrain, rescue Jing Ye, and then find the two ingredients. She didn't want to increase the trouble and increase the killing.

Qing Ge rubbed his chin, and continued: "Young Madam, we can only avoid those giants now, and go inside to investigate quietly, so we must move quickly."

Its speed is fine.

The speed of the young lady is also super fast, it should be feasible.

Comparing speed... Baili Qinxue raised her lips, she actually thought so too.

Baili Qinxue nodded, and said quietly: "Then let's get ready and leave immediately."

Qing Ge responded.

The two giants at the door were devoted to their duties and did not even move during this period.

The five or six giants patrolling inside have already walked to the other side, and will not appear at the door for a short time.

Baili Qinxue gestured to Qing Ge, and the two quickly rushed into the tribe with a flash.

The two giants guarding the gate only felt a gust of wind blowing by, and they didn't know anything about the rest.

"Brother, do you think the wind was so strong just now?" a giant muttered.

The other giant touched his head, and continued, "Yes, the wind just now was extremely strong. I have never seen such a weird wind."

The two giants muttered, completely unaware that they had already put two outsiders in.

Baili Qinxue and Qingyu rushed forward all the way, unimpeded all the way.

When they saw a few more giants passing by, they looked at each other, and hurriedly hid behind a wooden house. After the few giants left, the two came out from behind the wooden house.

"It's safe to come in at last." Qing Ge pursed his lips, and a gentle and polite haze reflected in his eyes.

Baili Qinxue looked around, there were some wooden houses of different shapes all around, each wooden house was super big, compared to their ordinary human houses, I don't know how many times bigger.

Standing by the wooden house, the two of them felt extremely small.

"We've only just taken the first step at this moment." Baili Qinxue looked around, her expression slightly restrained, "If we want to pass through this giant's nest unimpeded and not be caught, we must fight two Very spirited."

The young lady is so calm, no wonder the master likes it so much...

Qing Ge took a few glances at her and felt more and more secure in his heart.

"Young lady, I think the patriarch of the giant clan is a bit capable, we have to be careful." Qing Ge thought of the two giants he met in the forest, one of them was talking about the patriarch and patriarch.

"It's really a bit of a skill. You don't need to go out to know that an outsider has entered. It should be a tricky character." Baili Qinxue closed her eyes, felt it carefully, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and said: "There are no giants over there. Go check it out there."

Qing Ge blinked his eyes, a little confused.

No giants?

What's the matter with such enigmatic self-confidence?
Although Qing Ge was puzzled, he didn't question it, and quickly followed Baili Qinxue's footsteps.

Along the way, there are wooden houses of different shapes, and there is nothing particularly outstanding.

This is a rare place where no giants pass by. Could it be that they left in vain?

Baili Qinxue didn't give up, and walked forward with Qing Ge.

Suddenly, Baili Qinxue stopped in her tracks...

Qing Ge also stopped, narrowed his eyes, looked forward with his sharp eyes, and said, "Young Madam, there seems to be the breath of giants in front of you."


(End of this chapter)

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