Chapter 1688 Take them all back

"You lowly and ugly outsider, you are eloquent." The patriarch of the giant regained his composure, and gave Baili Qinxue a hard look, "However, I won't listen to your sweet words."

Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, and said calmly in the face of danger: "Whether the patriarch believes it or not, we are only here to get two kinds of materials, and we don't want to cause any killings at all. If the patriarch wants to talk to us... Before that, can we Undo Jing Ye's curse now?"

The eyeballs of the giant patriarch moved, "It's fine to untie it, but you have to go back with us."

They are vermin and must not be let go.

Baili Qinxue stood with her hands behind her back, and said without hesitation: "Okay, the patriarch invites us to be guests, and we will naturally not refuse, and please don't forget what you promised us just now, the patriarch."

Her eyes froze, with a somewhat shocking coldness.

"My giant family has always kept its word." The giant patriarch waved his hand and said again: "You guys, quickly tie them up and bring them back."

The giants swarmed forward and bound their hands and feet.

The two let them be tied.

Jing Ye wanted to fight, but the patriarch of the giant hit him on the forehead, and Jing Ye passed out.

"Take them to my wooden house." After the giant patriarch finished speaking, he left on crutches.

Soon, the three of them were brought into the wooden house.

The giant patriarch didn't let the other giants in, just let them guard outside.

Baili Qinxue looked around and saw a brazier in the center of the wooden house. The fire in the brazier was endless, and a crystal ball was placed on it.

Under the light of the fire, the crystal ball exudes a strange light, which is very strange to look at.

Baili Qinxue stared at the crystal ball, and suddenly smiled and said: "Patriarch, this is the god of the crystal ball you have been talking about, who told you that we will kill?"

The hands and feet of the two were tied and they couldn't move. Jing Ye was in a coma, and the curse hadn't been lifted yet.

The patriarch of the giant glanced at her and replied: "Yes, this is the blessing and blessing of our giant family, and it is the god of the crystal ball who has been guiding us."

"Really?" Baili Qinxue frowned.

It was obviously a crystal ball filled with black air and filled with weirdness.

Is it a god or a demon?
Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, then bent her lips and smiled again: "Patriarch, since we are all bound by you, when will you help him lift the curse, if it is later..."

If it was later, Jing Ye's life would be in danger.

If it wasn't for Jing Ye, they wouldn't have caught them without a fight.

"With my patriarch here, this humble and ugly outsider can't die." The giant's patriarch glared at her, and said: "This patriarch will not commit endless crimes for you despicable outsiders."

Baili Qinxue tilted her head, leaned against a pillar beside her and said, "Since the patriarch said so, I will thank you on behalf of Jingye..."

The giant patriarch snorted coldly, and swung the crutch in his hand.

"whoosh whoosh"

The moment the crutches were swung, a strong hurricane instantly formed in the wooden house.

The hurricane rolled up Jing Ye's whole body. Jing Ye closed his eyes and lay flat on top of the hurricane.

The giant patriarch waved the crutch again, and instantly...

Jing Ye was immediately drawn to the giant patriarch's side.

The patriarch of the giant made a sudden move, and tapped Jing Ye's forehead and various acupuncture points on his body a few times, and a bright halo immediately flickered where the hand touched.


(End of this chapter)

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