Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1689 Could it be, what kind of evil thing?

Chapter 1689 Could it be, what kind of evil thing?
Baili Qinxue watched, and couldn't help sighing secretly at the magic of this technique.

After a long time, it might have worked, Jing Ye coughed lightly, opened his mouth, and spat out a mouthful of jet-black blood.

The moment the black blood was spat out, there was a foul smell spreading out.

Seeing that Jing Ye's curse was resolved, the giant patriarch withdrew the crutch from his hand, and Jing Ye fell straight to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

"Bang" sound.

Jing Ye was still unconscious, but he groaned in pain.

The giant patriarch put away his crutches, ran to the side and washed his hands with clean water.

"The curse on that lowly foreigner has been exorcised, and we have to settle the matter between us." The giant patriarch threw the water out, and in an instant, the black blood on the ground was wiped clean.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, this giant patriarch really has some skills.

"The patriarch is kind, and I am grateful." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and said: "But we were swept up by the strong wind and waves, and we have not eaten yet, and we have already collapsed. If the patriarch wants to talk to us, why not , give us something to eat?"

Qing Ge looked at Baili Qinxue with fiery eyes.

The young lady is mighty and unruffled in times of crisis.

The patriarch of the giant glanced at the three of them, and finally fixed his eyes on Baili Qinxue. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Among these outsiders, you are the one who has the most things. However, you are right, my patriarch is kind... ...I will interrogate you after you finish eating."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her lips curled up, "Thank you."

Soon the giants came in with some roast meat wrapped in leaves.

"Hmph, you hateful outsiders, if the patriarch didn't order me, I wouldn't give you meat."

After all, the giants dropped three more bamboo slips filled with water and went out.

Baili Qinxue let out a laugh.

In fact, these giants are not bad.


Baili Qinxue cast her eyes on the crystal ball.

Why did the crystal ball say that they came to increase the killing?

Could it be, what kind of evil thing?
Baili Qinxue withdrew her gaze, and said again: "Patriarch, our hands and feet are tied up right now and we can't eat, can you untie them for us, our feet are tied up, and Jing Ye is still fainting, we can't escape of."

"I'm sorry you don't dare to run." The giant patriarch waved the crutch in his hand, and the rope in his hand loosened.

The two moved their wrists, picked up the barbecue and ate it.

The giant's roasted meat was not bad, but it didn't have any seasoning, so it didn't taste good.

"Why do you want to offend our giant family?" Seeing that they were eating happily, the giant patriarch squinted his eyes and asked again.

Baili Qinxue picked up the bamboo slips and narrowed her eyes, "I still say the same thing as the patriarch, I don't know what the crystal ball god said, we are here just to save people with two flavor materials, and we don't want to increase the number of killings. "

The patriarch of the giant raised his eyebrows, "Even if it doesn't increase the killing in vain, it's not enough if you want the sky and the earth to be black and yellow and the sky to be blue and white."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and looked at him with deep eyes.

"We want two flavor materials to save people..."

"No." The patriarch of the giant stood up, with a tall body, and then a huge coercion came to his face, "Heaven and earth black and yellow are the treasures of our forbidden land, and sky blue and white are the treasures of our town clan. If you take these things away If not, it will cause serious damage to our giant family."

Baili Qinxue frowned, but said nothing.

The patriarch of the giant beat his crutches, and said indignantly again: "Without these things, our family will not be able to receive protection, and outsiders will enter at will and kill us."


(End of this chapter)

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