Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1709 Patriarch, do you want to imprison us?

Chapter 1709 Patriarch, do you want to imprison us?
Baili Qinxue paused, and said again: "But we have enough food and water, and relying on a strong will, we can come out naturally."

She would not say anything about Shifang Ding.

The giant patriarch lowered his eyes and pursed his lips, as if he was thinking about the authenticity of her words.

Baili Qinxue threw the Shifang Ding into the space calmly, and looked straight ahead calmly.

The patriarch of the giant thought for a while, raised his eyelids and said: "I don't believe it, you can walk out of the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds..."

Many people can't get out, what's going on with them?

The patriarch of the giants panicked. Could it be that they really came to exterminate their clan?

"We walked out from the bottom of the top of the sea of ​​clouds step by step, and the patriarch will not believe it." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and her eyes as black as obsidian were filled with coldness.

The patriarch of the giant was so angry that his lips trembled, but he couldn't help muttering: "They were able to come out from the bottom. Could it be that the gods inside looked at them with admiration and couldn't bear to make a move on them, so they let them out?"

The giant patriarch was a little shocked.

The gods at the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds have always guarded their people.

Why did they let the outsiders who threatened their people be spared this time?
Even the crystal ball gods said they would kill, why did the gods...

The giant patriarch frowned, a little confused.

Baili Qinxue seemed to understand his thoughts, and said softly, "The giants believe in gods. Did the patriarch just now wonder why the gods at the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds released us?"

The patriarch of the giant was taken aback, unexpectedly being guessed right by this humble outsider.

Baili Qinxue saw him hesitating, the corners of her lips raised again, and the coldness in her eyes vented again, "Patriarch, we are protected by the lowest gods to get out safely. This is probably the meaning of the gods... Patriarch , you are not objecting, are you?"

Hearing this, the patriarch of the giant froze in place again.

Against the meaning of the gods, how dare he...

"You humble and ugly human being, you actually use the gods to overwhelm the patriarch?" The giant patriarch's complexion changed, and he snorted coldly.

Baili Qinxue was not afraid, and said: "I didn't think about it, let us get the heaven and earth black and the sky blue and the white, it is the meaning of the gods, isn't it right, patriarch?"


The giant patriarch was speechless with rage.

The giants behind him became restless.

"Patriarch, this humble outsider is talking nonsense, do we really want to let them go?"

"Patriarch, this is absolutely impossible. Everything has been stolen by them. If we let them go again, our giant family will suffer unprecedented persecution."

"Yes, please think again, Patriarch."

The giants talked in a hurry.

The patriarch of the giants had a headache, he waved his hand, and the giants immediately fell silent.

"You make me think about it." The giant patriarch lowered his head again, looked at Baili Qinxue and the others, and said, "Since it is the decision of the gods, my giant clan will not embarrass you, but..."

The giants all stared, waiting for what he would say next.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and said in a cold voice, "But, what?"

"You must stay in our tribe, and you can't leave even one step." The giant patriarch narrowed his eyes, and his attitude was tough. It didn't seem like he was joking.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes were as sharp as ice, "Is the patriarch trying to imprison us?"


(End of this chapter)

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