Chapter 1710 Tricky Star Array?

Jing Ye touched the sword at his waist, his eyes were covered with a faint murderous look.

Qing Ge's face remained the same, but there was also a sharp flash of coldness in his eyes.

The patriarch of the giants didn't take their faces into his eyes, he said in a deep voice: "After all, you have sky blue and white and heaven and earth dark yellow, if you are allowed to leave, our giant clan will never have peace, so we simply have to , keep you in the tribe, so that the tribe can feel at ease."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes coldly, and the curve on the corner of her lips became more and more strange, "It's just a prison, how can the patriarch speak so grandly?"

Shifang Ding has said that those things are just grass with aura, and they have no influence at all.

These giants have been nurtured to be so superstitious, it is really difficult to handle...

The giant patriarch snorted coldly, "You outsiders, you have no other choice but to stay in the tribe."

He is the master of his territory.

Really strong attitude...

Baili Qinxue stood there without moving, but she couldn't hide the cold aura on her body. She asked, "Patriarch, what if we want another choice?"

The giant patriarch curled his lips and sneered, "I think the clansmen behind my patriarch should be happy to tell you to tie them up. The curse of my patriarch should also calm you down."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and finally laughed softly, "The patriarch is really majestic and powerful, just like yesterday, when he sent us to the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds, he was so strong and unforgiving, but this time... "

She raised her eyebrows, and suddenly suppressed the smile in her eyes, and said coldly: "We have to go back to save people immediately. Since the patriarch insists, we outsiders can only be strong once."

"You want to kill us?" The giant patriarchs stared wide-eyed, full of coldness and coldness.

Baili Qinxue's black eyes were cold, "No, we don't kill people, we just want to stand out from the encirclement."

After the words fell, the fire magic in the palm had condensed out.

The giant patriarch was furious.

If you don't want to kill someone, who will believe it?

They must not sit still.

"My clansmen set up an formation, and we must not let these outsiders threaten us." The giant patriarch waved his crutches, and in an instant, a pale golden five-pointed star mark was imprinted on the ground.

The five-pointed star is bright and bright, extremely dazzling.

All the giants aggressively entered the five-pointed star array.

"Clan people, activate the formation, we must not let them out." The giant patriarch kept waving his crutches and roared again.

This five-pointed star mark looks a bit weird.

Baili Qinxue frowned, but did not act rashly.

Qing Ge also narrowed his eyes, and then smiled gently again: "Young Madam, the formation they set up should be the star array recorded in the books."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, looked at Qingyu and asked, "What is the function of the star array?"

Qing Ge recalled, and said: "This is a very old formation, and it needs the fresh blood of those who want to think about it. As long as there is more blood, the effect will be greater... This formation can form a shield and cover us. If we enter it, we may not be able to escape if we want to run.”

"Form a shield?" Baili Qinxue frowned, "It sounds pretty powerful, but is there a way to break it?"

Qing Ge frowned, "I don't know, there is no record in the books..."

Judging by Qing Ge's serious expression, it seems that this formation must be very tricky.

What to do with such a tricky formation?


(End of this chapter)

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