Chapter 1732 Huh, I'm tired of playing!
Liu Cheng was about to speak, but was picked up by Xi Lanlu, she said: "Naturally, she kowtows three times in front of us, loudly saying that I give up, I give up, so we can let you go, haha..."

She glared at Xilanlu fiercely, it's abominable how dare she steal her words.

"Princess Lu'er is right. As long as you accomplish these things, we will consider letting you go, otherwise..." Liu Cheng sneered, and slowly approached Baili Qinxue's ear, "You don't want this Let's have some other marks on the pretty face..."

The harsh voice seemed like a devil whispering.

Baili Qinxue licked the corner of her lips, and the smile in her eyes grew stronger, "Trace, you want to ruin my appearance?"

Liu Cheng raised her lips and said with a low smile, "How about it, are you scared?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, with a strange smile in her deep eyes, "Maybe Miss Liu forgot that Xiao Huan Dan has the effect of eliminating scars, so..."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes coldly, and before she could speak, she dodged directly and immediately escaped from the control of the two of them.

Seeing that Baili Qinxue had already fled, the two of them were startled and froze in place.

Baili Qinxue played with her hair, and continued: "I won't kneel down and beg for mercy, you two girls should rest easy, think about what you should do if you are disfigured by me later."

Xilanlu heard the words and shouted, "Baili Qinxue, how dare you ruin the face of this princess?"

She was very angry, the croissant braid on the top of her head jumped up and down because of her movements, and she looked very happy.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and sneered, "In martial arts competitions, swords and swords are merciless. If there is a little friction, it is human nature. Isn't it strange for a princess to be rare?"

"You..." Xilanlu stomped her feet angrily.

Liu Cheng bit her lip, cursed angrily in her heart, and then regained her composure and said, "Princess Lu'er, don't be distracted by that little slut, she's only one person, the two of us, she will never will beat us."

Xilanlu took a deep breath and said, "She has escaped, what should we do?"

Liu Cheng pursed her lips, and said, "Just like before, I took advantage of the victory and pursued, don't let her make moves."

Xilanlu rolled her eyes and said, "Let's do this..."

After some discussion, the two rushed forward.


Baili Qinxue would not give them another chance to get close.

It's been quite a while, and she's tired of playing, what she wants now is... a quick fix.


A huge water barrier instantly blocked the two of them.

Liu Cheng and Xilan Lu were frightened and froze in place. Unexpectedly, the little bitch would make a move so quickly. The water barrier is so high and the water inside is so fast, how can they pass.

Nasty little bitch...

Xilanlu gritted her teeth, "What about Xiaocheng, Baili Qinxue is quite powerful..."

Liu Cheng glared at her, and shouted angrily, "What are you afraid of, she was just defending, and she didn't attack us."

Xilanlu swallowed her saliva, "Then what should we do now?"

Liu Cheng frowned, and said: "She can't last long with a water barrier. When the water barrier dissipates, we are rushing up."

Just as Xilanlu was about to speak, a few small fireballs hit the water barrier.

Whoosh whoosh.

The small fireball seemed to have the potential to break through the air, and hit them directly.

Xilanlu's eyes widened suddenly, "Little Orange, Little Orange, in the water, in the water..."

She pointed at the water barrier, too frightened to speak.


(End of this chapter)

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