Chapter 1733 Powerful ultimate move! !

Liu Cheng narrowed her eyes, looking impatient, "What's the matter?"

"There are water polo in the water, let's run, Xiaocheng..." After Xilanlu shouted, she ran away.

There are water polo in the water, is it a lie?
How is it possible for water and fire to blend together? Moreover, a magician can use two kinds of magic at the same time, let alone that little bitch?

Go ahead and lie to ghosts... that little bitch can only use magic to transform into shape, rubbish.

At this moment……

Bang bang bang, several fireballs hit her feet.

The fireball hit the ground, directly smashing a few holes in the ground, and a wisp of smoke curled up, looking very scary.

Liu Cheng watched and was dumbfounded.

There is actually a fireball, where did it come from?

She raised her eyelids subconsciously, and she saw many small fireballs hidden in the water barrier. The small fireballs were not extinguished by the water flow, but could coexist, and their power became stronger and stronger.

Even if they are far away, Liu Cheng can still feel the heat of the small fireball.

This little bitch... can use two kinds of magic at the same time?

Can it still be this powerful?

"No, no, when did the little bitch Baili Qinxue become so powerful?" Liu Cheng couldn't believe it at all, and backed away excitedly, "It's impossible for the little bitch to be so powerful, it's just a fluke, it's just It's just a fluke..."

When Baili Qinxue looked at Liu Cheng's appearance, the corners of her lips curled up.

This Liu Cheng always thought she was a good-for-nothing, and always thought that she won by luck.

Now that some facts are in front of you, you can't bear it?

She fiddled with her fingertips, calmly said: "The two girls have a bad complexion, don't they want to compete?"

Just as Xilanlu was about to speak, Liu Cheng inserted it directly and said, "Comparison, of course we must. There is no way the two of us can't compare to you."

Baili Qinxue chuckled, "Since the two girls are determined, then I can only use some real skills."

As soon as these words came out, the students froze in place.

Could it be that she didn't use her full strength just now?

She can use two kinds of magic at the same time, which is not full power, so what is full power?
The students swallowed their saliva, and thought of Baili Qinxue's heroic appearance in the college competition... It seemed that she was really good.

Lucky or something, it is probably nonsense...

After much deliberation, the students got cold feet and defected.

Liucheng and Xilanlu were grinding their teeth angrily, this little bitch is used to confusing people's hearts, it's abominable.

The two of them didn't say anything, and rushed forward with swords in their hands.

Bang bang bang.

A few more small fireballs hit the sky.

Baili Qinxue had already withdrawn from the barrier, and the speed under her feet was as fast as the wind, leaving behind afterimages wherever she passed.

Bang bang bang.

Small fireballs came from all directions, and large pits appeared directly in the center of the open space. In an instant, sand, dust and smoke flew non-stop, disturbing people's sight.

But, when the smoke cleared, the students saw...

Liu Cheng and Xilan Lu froze in place, their clothes were burned to ragged pieces, and a piece of their hair was burned off. The two of them were not like the ladies of the family at all, but like beggars on the side of the road.

Haha, I was so embarrassed.

Baili Qinxue looked at the distressed appearance of the two, and laughed softly, "Girls, I said earlier that I will use my full strength, and the competition was somewhat damaged, so you can't blame me."

The students looked at it and instantly regained their senses.

Wow wow wow, the big move I used just now, the victory or defeat is only in an instant.

So, why didn't Baili Qinxue make a big move at the beginning?
Moreover, her speed can completely avoid all their attacks...


(End of this chapter)

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