Chapter 1737 Haha, found a painting!

Liu Cheng nodded, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

He is sensible and knows how to avoid it.

Liu Cheng sneered, and quickly pushed the door open.

This is a very simple wing room, with a few bookshelves, a table and chairs inside, and a few books, papers, inkstones and brushes on the table.

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows and lightly ran across the table with her hands.

This is the place where Ding Jingtai works. The environment is quite quiet and comfortable. It seems that my father really treats Ding Jingtai very well. Otherwise, how dare a servant have unreasonable thoughts about her?

Liu Cheng was angry, and her green hands clasped the edge of the table tightly.

She pressed so hard that she seemed to want to snap off the corner of the table.

"It's just a lowly servant who dares to have unreasonable thoughts about this lady. This lady will definitely find out about you today." Liu Cheng pursed her lips, and her eyes gleamed with a sinister light.

She rolled up her sleeves and turned them carefully in the wing room.

The patrolling servant outside had already left, and there was no sound of footsteps. It seemed that Ding Jingtai would not be back for a while, but Liu Cheng dared not slack off.

She gently flipped the contents inside, but the flipping speed was so fast that she almost knocked off the candle on the table.

"Damn it..." Liu Cheng swiftly set the candle back up, and whispered again.

What are you doing to put the candles on the side like that, looking for something to do, the slaves are humble, they can't even put a candle well.

Liu Cheng snorted lightly, then stretched out her hand and flipped it lightly.

There were some ledgers and other things in the cabinet and on the table, and Ding Jingtai couldn't find any clues at all.

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth, she couldn't believe it, a big living person would be useless.

She stretched out her hand, and angrily removed the books on the table one by one, and suddenly... a portrait came into Liu Cheng's eyes.

Liu Cheng was startled, lowered her head and looked at the portrait carefully, she always felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

The portrait seems to be a little boy. The little boy is wearing coarse linen and standing among the cauliflower bushes, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth. In an instant, his dark eyes are like bright treasures, which can be seen even through the painting. Infected by the little boy's smile.

Liu Cheng looked at the painting carefully again, although she was familiar with it, she still couldn't remember who it was.

However, this painting is so well hidden, it seems that Ding Jingtai is very familiar with the little boy in the painting.

Liu Cheng squinted her eyes, a sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth.

It seems that this little boy is Ding Jingtai's weakness, if he...

Liu Cheng licked her lips, and the smile in her eyes became more obvious.

Ding Deng Deng.

Footsteps sounded outside.

Liu Cheng was startled, quickly put the scroll back into his sleeve, put the ledger back where it was, and then pretended to be calm and pushed the door out.

"Miss, you came out of it." It was still the patrolling boy just now.

Liu Cheng glanced at him, her expression was a little unsightly, "It's you, Ding Jingtai hasn't come back yet?"

The patrolling boy apologized and said with a smile: "Guard Ding seems to have encountered something difficult, and he won't be able to come back for a while. If Miss really wants to find him, you can go to his place of work."

Liu Cheng waved her hand, said with a sneer, "No need, Miss Ben didn't come to look for him either."

The patrol boy nodded with a vague understanding.


(End of this chapter)

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