Chapter 1738 Who Has Entered My Wing?
Liu Cheng glanced at it, and said again: "This lady is leaving now, if Ding Jingtai comes back, you don't have to tell him that I've been here, do you understand?"

The patrol boy hurriedly responded, "I know."

Miss must be shy. Now everyone in Zhenbao Pavilion knows that Miss is going to marry Guanshi Ding, so it is natural for Miss to be shy.

Liu Cheng tightened the portrait in her sleeves, and left briskly.

As soon as Liu Cheng left, Ding Jingtai came back.

"Boss Ding, you're back. Are you done?" The patrol boy asked with a smile when he saw Ding Jingtai come back before he left.

From now on, he will be my son-in-law, so naturally he has to curry favor with him.

Ding Jingtai rubbed the center of his brows, his face was tired, which showed that the matter was not so easy to handle.

"It's done, but it's really tricky." Ding Jingtai pondered, and his words were full of exhaustion.

The patrol boy smiled again: "Guan Ding is worthy of being Guan Shi Ding, he can handle such a difficult task, and Second Master Liu will praise you again later."

Ding Jingtai kept his expression serious, pursed his lips and pushed open the door of the wing without saying anything.

As soon as he entered the door, Ding Jingtai frowned suddenly.

Although the wing room is fairly tidy, Ding Jingtai can tell at a glance that everything in the house has signs of being passive.

With a flash in his eyes, he rushed out of the room and asked in a deep voice, "Did anyone come in just now where I do my work?"

The patrol boy was stunned, this man has sharp eyes, he only took a while to see the clue?

But he will never betray Miss.

The patrol boy shook his head and said, "No, no one has ever come in. Is Guanshi Ding too sensitive?"

Ding Jingtai frowned, is he too sensitive?
But there are indeed traces of being turned over in the room...

He frowned, and asked again in a deep voice: "The matter is very important, is it true that no one has ever gone in?"

Miss will never harm her family... The patrol boy shook his head again, and said firmly: "Absolutely not. I have been patrolling here for a long time, and I have never seen anyone come in."

Ding Jingtai was suspicious, but he couldn't say anything more.

He entered the house and looked around to see if there was anything missing.

There were a lot of ledgers, but at the end of the page, Ding Jingtai froze for a moment.

That portrait, that portrait under the ledger has disappeared...

He suddenly widened his eyes, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Have you ever seen a portrait on my desk?" Ding Jingtai pushed the door out again and asked with a frown.

Seeing him chattering, the patrol boy shook his head, and his eyes were a little impatient, "What kind of portrait, I have never seen it before, so please stop talking about it, Mr. Ding, maybe the portrait or something is in your own eyes." I’m at home, so I didn’t bring it.”

Ding Jingtai covered his forehead, probably because he was too tired to do things, so he was also sensitive.

Maybe that portrait is really at home...

"Maybe you are really at home. I'm sorry to disturb you. You can continue to patrol." Ding Jingtai greeted him with a very sincere attitude.

The patrol boy didn't like him at first, seeing him like this now, he didn't want to get angry and didn't start.

"What is Guanshi Ding talking about? If you have any questions, I will answer them with all my heart." The boy paused and said, "Since you have nothing else to do, I'll patrol elsewhere."

Ding Jingtai rubbed his temples, his brows and eyes were still tired, "Go."


(End of this chapter)

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