Chapter 1739 Go back to Xuanwu City!
After the patrol boy left, Ding Jingtai still felt a little uneasy.

The portrait that suddenly disappeared, did you really not bring it back at home?
Ding Jingtai narrowed his eyes, feeling restless.

At this time, the autumn wind blowing outside brought a desolate and cold.

Will such an autumn be an eventful one?
Inside the academy, Baili Qinxue propped her head up and looked at the fallen leaves in front of her.

Falling leaves returning to their roots is an excellent sign.

"Jing Ye, you will accompany me to Xuanwu City tomorrow." Baili Qinxue raised her eyelids and said suddenly.

Jing Ye was holding the sword and standing on one side. Hearing what Baili Qinxue said, he turned his head and looked at her suspiciously, but he didn't ask anything, "Well, good."

Baili Qinxue stroked the teacup on the table and said casually, "Xuanwu City is my hometown, and there are some of my properties there, so I want to take a look."

Since he is Dugu Sheng's personal bodyguard, of course he can be trusted.

Jing Ye turned his head with a cold face, hmph, whoever asked her to explain, he was not interested at all.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help but chuckled when she saw his stern and serious appearance.

This Jing Ye is really interesting, he always has a straight face, and he doesn't see any smiles, he really can't hold back, it's really boring to be with him, he doesn't feel at ease with Dugu Sheng at all.

I don't know how the kid is doing now, has he recovered from his illness...

Baili Qinxue rested her chin on her hands, lost in thought, her eyes dimmed a bit.

Jing Ye probably knew what she was thinking, and stood aside without saying anything.

Baili Qinxue thought outside for a while, then got up and went back to the house.

Jing Ye tidied up the woodshed outside and prepared to sleep in it.

In the past, he was able to sleep in the house because he turned into a child. Now, he has returned to his original appearance. If he sleeps in again, the young master will not chop him up even if he knows it!

Thinking of the vile appearance of the young master, Jing Ye trembled with fright, and goosebumps almost came out.

He quickly tidied up the firewood room, and it was just like that for the whole night.

On the second day, Baili Qinxue got up early.

Jing Ye didn't sleep well that night. When he woke up, he felt a little sore all over his body and his neck was a little uncomfortable.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and walked out of the woodshed after getting dressed.

Baili Qinxue had already cooked breakfast, and when Jing Ye came out, she was eating porridge in the courtyard.

Millet porridge is not an expensive ingredient, but the fragrance of the autumn wind blowing over it actually hooked the gluttons out of his mouth.

Jing Ye rubbed his stomach and froze in place.

Baili Qinxue didn't cast her gaze there, she said casually: "There is still porridge in the pot in the kitchen, if you are hungry, you can go and eat it."

Isn't this nonsense!

You will definitely be hungry early in the morning.

Jing Ye was not pretentious, and went directly to the kitchen to fill a big bowl of porridge.

After breakfast, the two set off for Xuanwu City.

Xuanwu City was still as lively as before, Baili Qinxue walked on the long street in the city with her hands behind her back, and Jing Ye respectfully followed behind her holding a saber.

Their strange combination is particularly eye-catching.

Especially Jing Ye, his stern face looked like a villain in the eyes of the common people. When the common people saw him approaching, they all stepped out of the way, what's more, they hid directly in the house.


When Jing Ye took a look, his face darkened a lot.

Why are you afraid of him? Does he look so scary?


(End of this chapter)

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