Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1743 Going straight for Ding Chongyang?

Chapter 1743 Going straight for Ding Chongyang?
Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You don't have to be nervous, I just want to ask about the herb shop."

Her smile was faint, but it also gave her a sense of intimacy. When the people saw her, they felt much less nervous.

"Miss Baili can ask whatever you want. If we know, we must explain it in detail."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and the smile in her eyes deepened, "I just want to know what happened to my herb shop, and why did it become like this when I came here?"

She turned her head and looked at the traces of swords and swords inside and outside the house, the smile in her eyes faded, and a trace of coldness quietly rose in her eyes.

Who on earth dared to set up her herb shop and kidnap Ding Chongyang?
After hearing this, the people thought about their excuses and said: "Actually, this herb shop was fine yesterday morning, but in the middle of the night, there were bursts of swords and swords coming out. We are the people who live near the herb shop. We were woken up last night by the sound of the sword, but because the sword has no eyes, we dare not go up to find out."

When Baili Qinxue heard the words, there was a bit of coldness in her eyes.

"You are just ordinary people, and it is understandable that you dare not speak out to stop you." The coldness in Baili Qinxue's eyes subsided a little.

When the people heard what she said, they felt much less uneasy.

At this time, another commoner jumped out and said: "Last night, I opened the window secretly, and saw more than a dozen men in black broke into the herb shop. I was too scared, so I immediately saw the window closed." , so I don’t know what’s next.”

Man in black?
A killer invited by others?
Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, her hands were tightly intertwined.

"Miss Baili, did you offend someone, so they want to come..." The people swallowed and did not dare to continue.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "I really can't think of offending anyone, but my herb shop is doing very well, people may see me as a girl, so maybe they want to make trouble It is not impossible to blackmail, you are residents living nearby, please go back at ease, I will take care of this matter."

After hearing this, the people praised her very much.

"Miss Baili has said that, and we feel more at ease." The common people said: "However, this world is already chaotic. Miss Baili, a girl like you, it's better to be careful."

After Baili Qinxue heard this, she curled her lips into a smile and said, "Thank you for your concern, I will."

The people said a few more words, then turned their heads and went back.

Seeing them leave, the smile in Baili Qinxue's eyes faded a bit.

Holding the hem of her skirt, she walked into the herb shop step by step.

Jing Ye was stunned for a while, then followed closely behind.

As soon as she entered the herb shop, Baili Qinxue saw many traces of swords on the walls inside.

The knife marks intersected with the sword marks, Baili Qinxue could imagine that the place was full of cold and chill at that time, she squinted her eyes, opened the curtain of the inner hall and walked in.

In an instant, the traces of swords and swords in the inner hall were reflected in Baili Qinxue's eyes.

Jing Ye walked in, held the sword in his hand, and said with a serious look: "There are more traces of swords and swords in the inner hall, so it can be seen that this group of people went directly to the inner hall, and a group of people came to the hall again during the fight, and went to the hall again. Outside, therefore, the traces of swords and swords outside are obviously much less than those inside."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue frowned, and the coldness in her eyes deepened.


(End of this chapter)

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