Chapter 1744 What a heavy taste!

"Moreover, there is nothing lost in the herb shop." Baili Qinxue groped on the table in the inner hall, and said: "These men in black went straight to the inner hall, and Ding Chongyang lives in the inner hall. Therefore, their target was Ding Chongyang from the very beginning, and it was during Ding Chongyang's resistance that he left traces of swords on the wall."

After the words fell, Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her mind changing.

Ding Chongyang is just a little boy, a little shopkeeper, why did the men in black take him away?
Did he want to kidnap him and blackmail her?
Or, who did Ding Chongyang offend?

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and quickly denied these thoughts.

Although Ding Chongyang is a child, but fortunately he has a calm temper, it is impossible for him to go out and cause trouble.


Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, the coldness in her eyes intensified a bit.

Maybe someone wanted to take revenge on her, so he took Ding Chongyang away, and wanted her to be anxious, who could this person be?
Baili Qinxue clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were obscure.

Jing Ye knew she was thinking, so he didn't say anything.

At this moment……

A strange hissing sound rang in his ears.

Jing Ye fixed his eyes and was almost frightened.

Nima, why is there such a scary and cold creature like a snake in such a big herb shop?

Is this intentionally raised by humans, or did they crawl in by themselves?

This number is too much...

Jing Ye was not afraid, but there was always something creepy, he frowned and said, "Miss Baili, be careful, there are a lot of little snakes here..."

Little snake?

It was only now that Baili Qinxue remembered that she had given Ding Chongyang many little snakes as bodyguards before she left.

Speaking of which, the little snake should be the best witness.

She was overjoyed, and her eyes brightened a little, "Don't be afraid, these little snakes are all of us."

Hearing this, Jing Ye froze in place with a dazed expression.

What does it mean that the little snake is one of its own?
Could it be said that these little snakes are all raised by her, and they are too heavy...

Jing Ye lowered his eyes, and saw that Baili Qinxue had already bent down and put his hand on the little snake's head, rubbing it gently.

His eyes widened suddenly.

Nima, it really has a strong taste.

Aren't ordinary girls afraid of death when they see snakes? Fortunately, she is not afraid at all, and pets them like small animals. The woman the young master likes is really extraordinary.

Just when Jing Ye was thinking about it, Baili Qinxue had already learned about the situation from the little snake.

The little snakes said that the group of men in black really came for Ding Chongyang, as soon as they came, they went directly to the inner hall, threatening to take Ding Chongyang away.

Ding Chongyang refused to submit obediently, so he used the golden abacus she gave him to fight with them.

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, and indeed found some hidden weapons launched from the small abacus around her.

"You keep talking." Baili Qinxue looked back.

The little snakes babbled again.

After Baili Qinxue heard this, her eyes widened suddenly, "You mean, you were able to defeat those men in black at the beginning, but those men in black actually carried realgar with them. You are afraid of realgar, so you were killed Chased away?"

The little snakes lowered their heads, looking sluggish, and some dared not look at her face.

After Jing Ye listened, his eyes widened.

She could understand what the little snake was saying?
This is too amazing...

However, he had seen it in an ancient book before, which recorded things about summoners.

It is said that summoners can not only summon creatures, but also understand the sounds of all things in the world.

Could it be true?

(End of this chapter)

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