Chapter 175 There's a Dog in the Way
Dugu Sheng looked at the wild fruit in his hand with disgust, wanted to throw it away but couldn't fight hunger, so he could only take a few bites very spinelessly, and when the two wild fruits entered their stomachs, a white light circle lit up under their feet.

It's the portal that appeared!
Baili Qinxue just felt a flash in front of her eyes, and when she came back to her senses, the five of them were already standing in the open space of the college, and the open space was full of students who had been teleported back, but there were more than half of them than before the battle. The fighting situation must be very tragic.

Surviving among so many students and getting ten pennants is quite awesome.

"Everyone, give me the pennant you got." Mr. Lin sat on the high platform and wanted to accept everyone's achievements, and beside him stood two disciples, holding bamboo slips and recording something.

Everyone scrambled to hand in the pennant.

Zhao Yu likes to join in the fun, so Baili Qinxue entrusted him with this sacred task.

He took out ten pennants from the space, and walked forward swaggeringly. At this time, Lin Fenglie passed by him. It was unknown whether it was intentional or unintentional. on the ground.

"Little General Zhao, I'm really sorry." Lin Fenglie raised his lips, showing no sign of apology on his face, and his every word was so arrogant that it made people uncomfortable, "I didn't expect that your team would have ten pennants, really. It amazes me."

Zhao Yu clasped his hands and lowered his head, as if trying to hold back something, after a long while, he raised his head, and said with a ruffian smile: "I think it's a dog with no eyes blocking the way, it's Mr. Lin, you ah."

"You..." Lin Fenglie was extremely angry.

"Master Lin bumped into me, why don't you pick up the pennant for me?" Zhao Yu's eyes froze, and despite his playful smile, there was an indescribable aura about him.

Lin Fenglie crossed his chest and let out a smirk, "It's because you didn't hold it steady, it's really useless."

He also specially emphasized the sound on "useless", which seems to be alluding to something.

Zhao Yu paused slightly, and his expression became a little sad at this moment.Yes, he is indeed very useless. As the son of a great general, he will lead troops to fight in the future, but he does not have offensive magic, only auxiliary magic, and he can do nothing on the battlefield, but...

Baili Qinxue and the others said that his magic is powerful, and that it can heal soldiers on the battlefield and reduce the casualties of soldiers. This is also an advantage. As long as there is superior magic, it has its strength.

So, he's not hopelessly useless, right?
"Well, I almost slipped my hand again just now..." Lin Wanwan waved the meaty bone in his hand, it was the rabbit leg meat she kept privately last night, and she just finished eating it.

"Ayu, he is very powerful." Wei Nanzi put his hand on Zhao Yu's shoulder, and the warmth of the palm gradually conveyed some kind of heart to him.

"Howling your head is the behavior of the weak, and you deserve to stop." Baili Qinxue scolded lightly, her eyes as cold as a sword, "If someone who looks down on you is right in front of you, should you bow your head or puff up your chest to shock him extremely?"

Zhao Yu's clenched fist gradually relaxed.

In fact, he has always had friends who support him, but he has always been eroded by the lump in his heart, and he never dared to look up and take a closer look at those who supported him.

So, there is only one thing he has to do now...

Zhao Yu raised his head slowly, there was no sense of loss on his face, only a trace of determination appeared in his eyes, and he said: "Of course it's time to stand up, but it's just that a few pennants were knocked off, and Mr. Lin can see that I'm useless, it's really tight."


(End of this chapter)

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