Chapter 176 There Are Dogs Barking

Lin Fenglie paused. In the past, when he said he didn't have any, he would just lower his head and take a long time to recover, but today he recovered so quickly, and he was still so eloquent.

Lin Fenglie gritted his teeth, always feeling that it is shameful to be humiliated by others instead of humiliating others.

"Brother Wang, congratulations on getting ten pennants." Wei Nan Lin Che hurried out to smooth things over when he saw the awkward situation, his clear voice was like a breeze blowing into people's hearts.

Wei Nanzi was not confused by his voice, she didn't even glance at him.

Weinan Lin Che's expression froze slightly, but he said calmly, "I'm originally from mainland China, so why bother making a fuss about trivial matters, making others laugh at me."

"Third Prince, what you said is wrong." Zhao Yu retorted loudly, crossing his arms around his chest, his face full of arrogance, "It is clear that Mr. Lin was the first to provoke, and he is also the one who is ashamed."

"You didn't hold it steady, can you blame me?" Lin Fenglie sneered, his face full of contempt.

Zhao Yu frowned, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

"Isn't it just a few pennants? Just pick them up." Mu Liu bent down and picked up the ten pennants on the ground one by one. After picking them up, she smiled and handed them back to Zhao Yu, and said, "This is not easy. Don’t drop the pennant you got, there are too many mosquitoes and flies this summer, you can’t drive them away one by one, you might as well finish the big things first.”

Mu Liu grinned and smiled.

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment, and understood the meaning of his words. This guy compared Lin Fenglie to a fly and a mosquito.

I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect that Mu Liu would actually speak for them. What kind of heinous thing did Lin Fenglie do? Even his teammates don't want to see him, how pitiful.

Zhao Yu also bent his eyes and echoed: "Indeed, there are so many mosquitoes and flies at this time of year, and when one is driven away, another will come. As a person, it is better not to care about these little beasts, and it is better to concentrate on doing big things." .”

Baili Qinxue glanced at Mu Liu, this person helped them twice for no reason, and for some reason, he probably didn't recognize her...

She had some doubts in her heart, but when she thought that she hadn't revealed anything, so mysterious that even her name was fake, the doubts in her heart gradually dissipated.

At this moment, Mu Liu also looked sideways, winking at her.

Liu Cheng beside him also looked at her with a gloomy expression.

The relationship between Liucheng and Mu Liu is really not simple. Seeing Liucheng's cannibalistic appearance, Baili Qinxue can tell that she must be interested in Mu Liu, but Mu Liu may not be interested in Liucheng.

Tsk tsk tsk, this woman who suffers from unrequited love is the most terrifying. Their thoughts will be very extreme, and they can't see that the object of their admiration is good with others, or just pay a little attention to a certain woman.

Baili Qinxue suddenly closed her eyes and stopped glancing at Mu Liu. She didn't want to be the object of others' grudges. Having Dongfang Duoer was already enough of a headache. I'm afraid Baili Liuxu would pay attention to her too. If there was another one... …

Baili Qinxue rubbed her temples, the more she thought about it, the more she felt a headache.

Seeing that Baili Qinxue had turned his head to the side, Mu Liu touched his nose and had no choice but to look away. Liu Cheng's face also returned to normal at this time.

"Let's go, let's hand in the banner at Elder Lin's place." Mu Liu tugged Weinan Lin Che's sleeve, and asked Xuanyuan Po, who was ten meters away, to come forward and hand in the banner together.


(End of this chapter)

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