Chapter 181 Your Fire Cloud Beast Is Dead
Zhao Yu snapped his fingers and took the lead in the front, again showing the demeanor of a leading brother, he said majesticly: "Brothers and sisters, let's go to the restaurant!"

Wei Nanzi was so angry that his cheeks twisted, how many times he had said, it's not the younger brother, it's not the younger brother, why didn't this person listen?
Dugu Sheng covered his face with his paws, always felt so ashamed, just went to a restaurant, is it necessary to speak so loudly, what a perverted, shameless and stupid ugly man!
Baili Qinxue and Lin Wanwan felt nothing, walking leisurely.

The most luxurious restaurant in Xinghua City is located in a place called "Peach Blossom Yaju" in the east of the downtown area. Presumably, there are many students who want to reward themselves. At this hour, the restaurant is already full of diners, and they want to find a vacant seat. It's harder than climbing to the sky, but fortunately Zhao Yu and the others have already booked a private room in advance, which can save a lot of trouble.

Xiao Er enthusiastically led them into the private room upstairs, when a male voice came from behind.

"Five, please stay."

Baili Qinxue turned her head subconsciously, her eyes narrowed involuntarily, it was those three who had taken advantage of her, and she didn't know what to do to stop them.

Standing at the stairs, Zhao Yu was the first to ask, "I don't remember who among us is friendly with the royal family of the Western Continent. What is the matter that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Western Continent called us?"

Zhao Yu was still thinking about what happened during the battle, so he didn't give them a good look.

Seeing his unfriendly attitude, Xilanming felt depressed for a while. Just about to turn his face, Xilan Manyue walked out with a smile on her skirt and saluted, "His Royal Highness the Prince of the Southern Continent, General Zhao."

After the salute, Xilan Manyue straightened up and stood still, with a soft smile on her face, she paused and said: "During the battle, it was our negligence that brought you into it. I'm really sorry, but we just want to ask a question What happened to the cloud beast?"

Xilanlu echoed, "Brother said he lost contact with the Fire Cloud Beast, could it be..."

Hearing Xi Lanlu's words, Xi Lanming's heart tightened and his eyebrows frowned.

After being teleported and woke up, he had indeed lost contact with the Fire Cloud Beast. To be precise, even the contract was gone, and the contract would only be terminated when one of the parties died, but he did not believe that an eighth-level high-level monster would There must be some other reason for being defeated by a group of miscellaneous fish.

"Yes, the Fire Cloud Beast is dead." Zhao Yu said with certainty, remembering that Baili Qinxue said that the Fire Cloud Beast died suddenly.

Xi Lanming's face turned pale, and his eyes were filled with disbelief, "Is the Fire Cloud Beast dead?"

"Dead." Standing in front of Zhao Yu, Wei Nanzi frowned impatiently and said, "It went berserk, and some of them couldn't stand the burst of power in their body, so they died suddenly. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Xi Lanming's eyes flashed, but he still had some doubts, "But the Fire Cloud Beast is an eighth-level high-level beast, so how can it say that it will die when it dies?"

"Please inform the five of you about the specific situation." Xilan Manyue saluted again with a soft and pleasant voice.

Zhao Yu put his arms around his chest and looked at them condescendingly, "Do you believe what we say?"

"No." Xilan Manyue said with a smile: "We just want to know the specific situation. My brother loves the Fire Cloud Beast very much. Since there is no news about the Fire Cloud Beast, my brother has never thought about food or tea."

Dugu Sheng covered her mouth and almost laughed, thanks to her being able to say such disgusting words, she would not think about food, that male culprit would be eager to beat the Fire Cloud Beast to death.


 Thanks to the user Black Rose (づ???)づ~~~ for the reward of 100 book coins, please!

(End of this chapter)

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