Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 182 Like a civilian who has been hungry for several years

Chapter 182 Like a civilian who has been hungry for several years
After seeing Xi Lanming's viciousness, Zhao Yu showed contempt.

Wei Nanzi opened the door of the private room first, found a seat and sat down, it was quieter inside, but the three people outside were chattering non-stop, very disturbing.

Lin Wanwan also walked into the house, grabbed a handful of peanuts and ate them.

Xi Lanming's expression froze, did he intend to ignore them?
"The specific situation is that the five of us working together can't hurt the Fire Cloud Beast at all." Baili Qinxue kindly said, "The Fire Cloud Beast is almost insane and powerful, but it can't control the powerful body inside. In the end, he died suddenly, otherwise, do you think we would stand here in peace and talk to you?"

Xi Lanming was taken aback, and it made sense. Could it be that his Fire Cloud Beast really died suddenly?
"Now that we know the specific situation, let's enter the private room first." Zhao Yu raised his eyes, turned his eyes to Xi Lanming, and said, "If you don't go back, I'm afraid the table will be cold." Come on, our group is also so hungry that our chests stick to our backs, so we won’t accompany you for now.”

After finishing speaking, he entered the private room with Baili Qinxue and the others.

Xi Lanming stood there and frowned.

"Brother, they are so arrogant." Xi Lanlu was dissatisfied with their attitude, and there was anger in her eyes.

"Since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Southern Continent naturally has the capital of arrogance, why should we take it to heart?" Xilan Manyue smiled, as if she didn't care about the matter just now, "My brother also got the answer we wanted, so we will Let's go back to the private room first."

Xi Lanming nodded, but felt a little unhappy in her heart.

The Fire Cloud Beast was obtained by sacrificing tens of thousands of soldiers, and it didn't take long for such an accident to happen after signing the contract. He really didn't know how to explain it to his father.

Walking into the private room, Xilan Manyue suddenly turned her head and said, "Brother, don't worry too much. When you go to Taoyuan Dongtian and contract a monster that is better than the Fire Cloud Beast, the emperor won't say anything after knowing about it."

Although they were teleported out halfway, they had already obtained ten pennants at that time, so they were naturally qualified to go to Taoyuan Cave.

"The Fire Cloud Beast is dead, and it's because of its bad fate. Who told it to be so arrogant." Xilanlu stroked her skirt and sat down, saying sarcastic words, "When I go to Taoyuan Cave, my brother will contract a A more docile beast is definitely better than a fire cloud beast."

Xi Lanming smiled and said nothing, but he still remembered the Fire Cloud Beast in his heart.

And Er Huo, who was said to be dead, was lying on his back under the vine, holding a bunch of grapes in his paws, and was devouring them. These days were happier than the gods.

Baili Qinxue explored the situation in the space, and couldn't help shaking her head, this stupid thing really knows how to live, more leisurely and comfortable than the rest of them.

"Sister, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake tastes good, you can eat it." Dugu Sheng put a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her bowl.

Baili Qinxue pulled back her thoughts, took a bite of the pastry, it was sweet but not greasy and refreshing, very good.

At this time, the dishes were also served one after another. There were big fish and meat, and there were also some vegetarian dishes.Lin Wanwan's eyes lit up when he saw the chicken leg, and he started to feast on it with the stinky bear.

Wei Nanzi and Zhao Yu looked at each other, and they desperately grabbed food to eat.

The corner of Baili Qinxue's mouth twitched, she was a little speechless, both of them were from aristocrats, why are they like ordinary people who haven't eaten for a thousand years, and they still want to grab a meal?
Seeing that his favorite dish was being robbed, Dugu Sheng also joined the ranks of robbing food.

Baili Qinxue helplessly raised her forehead, these three stupid things.


 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by user Xiangxiang, please!I just got out of bed!The bed is so soft!I don't want to get up!
(End of this chapter)

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