Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 183 Go to the Beast Fighting Conference to Earn Money!

Chapter 183 Go to the Beast Fighting Conference to Earn Money!

She was full of wine and food, and there were only some scraps left on the plate. The corner of Baili Qinxue's mouth twitched, she only ate a little, and the rest was eaten by these four big eaters, it was terrible.

After resting for a while, I paid the gold coins and came out. It was already completely dark outside, and the lights from various shops instantly illuminated the entire long street, which was trivial but warm.

All kinds of hawkers hawk along the street, which is very lively.

"Have you heard that the annual beast fighting conference is about to begin?"

"Really, we can go to make a fortune again."

"It is true that you can make some money, but you have to stop it. The old Li who is opposite me doesn't know how to stop. He gambled away all his family wealth and still can't get it back. Now he has to take his family and run to another town. "

"That can only be blamed on his bad luck. I also heard that Old Li sold his wife into a restaurant for gold coins..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, his wife is really pitiful. I can only blame her for marrying the wrong person."


The few people walking in front were talking loudly, it was hard for Baili Qinxue not to hear them, but she was not interested in those trivial things at all, and the beast fighting convention attracted her.

"What is the Beast Fighting Conference?" Baili Qinxue turned to look at Zhao Yu and the others.

"It sounds like a beast fight, but it's like a gambling house." Zhao Yu played with the silk thread wrapped around his waist, and said with a smile: "Just in an open space, let two monsters fight back and forth. These people bet on which monster will win, and if they win, they will get money, and if they lose, they will lose money."

To put it bluntly, it is gambling, no wonder some people go bankrupt all of a sudden.

This is a job that depends on luck, but Baili Qinxue can talk to all kinds of creatures, so can she do it secretly at the beast fighting meeting?
Baili Qinxue raised her lips and smiled treacherously. She said calmly, "Would it be a pity if we don't go to the annual beast fighting meeting?"

Dugu Sheng tugged on her sleeve and couldn't help muttering, "Sister, you're going to do something bad again."

Baili Qinxue smiled but said nothing.

"It's really a pity not to go." Zhao Yu rested his fingers on his chin, thought for a while, and then walked into the arena with the crowd. As soon as he stepped in, he turned his head and smiled: "Come on!" Come, big brother will take you to see the world."

"It's so troublesome, don't you just have a meal, why do you have to go to such a noisy place." Wei Nanzi rolled up his sleeves, seeing that there were all kinds of people mixed in, his brows could not help but frown.

Zhao Yu hooked his shoulders, smiled and said: "Noisy is noisy, what are you afraid of as a man?"

Wei Nanzi's face darkened, he was not afraid of anything but trouble, he really wanted to go back to sleep now, but Zhao Yu pulled him very tightly, he couldn't escape, damn it!
There was a lot of voices in the beast fighting venue, and it was estimated that there were at least 200 people gathered here, which is really grand.

Baili Qinxue held Dugu Sheng tightly, such a little Douding would not be scattered by the crowd, and she herself followed closely behind Zhao Yu and the others.

For the first time, it is better to follow closely.

After finally squeezing to the front, those good seats were all occupied, and the rest were those with poor vision, but it didn't matter, Baili Qinxue had good eyesight, and could see things even thousands of miles away.

But Zhao Yu was not happy about it, and instead of sitting in a seat, he had to stand in front of him instead, which is a good name for him: he has a good view.


(End of this chapter)

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