Chapter 184 Spy on the Situation First

Baili Qinxue and the others had no choice but to stand with him. Fortunately, there were quite a lot of people standing, so they were not very conspicuous.At this time, two magical beasts appeared in the empty space below, one red and one blue, pacing slowly, observing each other carefully.

"Ahhh, the monsters have come out, which one do you think will win?"

"That red one looks more imposing."

"I think it should be the blue one, the blue eyes are good, full of murderous intent..."

Some people chatted endlessly, and some people had already placed their bets. There were more people betting on the red monsters, and a little less on the blue ones.

"Little sister, don't we gamble?" Zhao Yu saw her standing still.

"Don't gamble for now." Baili Qinxue shook her head, looked down closely and said: "This is my first time here, so it won't be too late to start after I understand the situation."

"It makes sense." Hearing what she said, Zhao Yu didn't intend to place a bet, but was going to observe carefully.

Wei Nanzi and Lin Wanwan were not interested in these, one with a straight face, and the other took some fruit from a nearby table to share with the stinky bear.

Dugu Sheng was lying on the railing, waiting for Baili Qinxue to show off her skills.

The two magic beasts, one blue and one red, were fighting fiercely, and soon the blue monster was at a disadvantage. All kinds of cheers burst out from the crowd, as if they had won the bet.

"Hurry up and beat the red monster to the ground."

"Cyan monster, stand up quickly, I will rely on you to win back my gold coins..."

The person who bet on the blue monster patted the railing anxiously, almost running down to fight with it, and the person who bet on the red monster kept shouting, and seemed even more anxious.

Time passed by, and the two monsters below hadn't decided the winner yet. However, it was obvious that the cyan monster was already in a weak position, and as long as it took advantage of the victory to pursue the cyan monster, it would definitely be beaten to the ground.

"The red monster bites it quickly, hurry up..." A large group of people cheered for the red monster.

As for the cyan monster, no one shouted for it anymore. They all lowered their heads with a look of despair. Seeing the cowardly appearance of the cyan monster, they definitely couldn't win. Their golden gold coins were about to go into other people's pockets.

Sure enough, not long after, the red monster bit the cyan monster's head, and the cyan monster struggled for a while and passed out, completely losing the ability to fight.

It is self-evident who wins and loses.

Those who won jumped up happily, those who lost were downcast, and some who refused to admit defeat threw a lot of gold coins into it. Baili Qinxue was really afraid that they would lose everything.

"Little sister, when will you place your bet?" Zhao Yu looked at it with great interest, his hands suddenly itched, and he really wanted to play a few games.

"I'll wait for a while." Baili Qinxue leaned on the railing and watched carefully, "If you want to place a bet, you can go first by yourself."

The red monster is the winner and can stand in the middle of the open space. At this time, the opponent of the red monster came. It was a white monster. It was not as strong and fierce as the red monster. It was thin and weak, and looked pitiful. It was instantly killed, but its eyes are very good.

The spirit is bright, it is the eyes that lock the prey and want to win.

"Then I'll go first." Zhao Yu walked a few steps, then turned back and asked with a smile, "Which one do you think I should bet on?"

I don't know why, subconsciously, he still trusts Baili Qinxue, and wants her to help him come up with an idea.


(End of this chapter)

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