Chapter 1810 I have a god-level baby!

Wei Nanzi knew the priority of the matter, and didn't care about anything, he squinted his eyes and immediately increased the firepower.

As soon as the firepower increased, the two weapons softened again, as if they were about to turn into fire water. Lin Wanwan squinted his eyes and beat again and again.

In an instant, the temperature in the hut continued to rise, as if there was a momentum to burn the room.

Jing Ye pursed her lips, narrowed her eyes and stared lightly.

I really didn't expect that there are such capable people among her friends. This little girl is much more lovable than Zhao Yu's hippie smiling guy, and she is also quite powerful.

Bang bang bang.

The sound of the small hammer hitting the weapon kept echoing in her ears. Baili Qinxue looked at the flames for a moment, and the brightness seemed to be reflected in her eyes, which made her eyes even brighter.

At this moment……

Under the beating of the small hammer, the two weapons were fused together, and under the burning of the fire, the two weapons instantly turned into a pool of orange-red water.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, looking at this scene with some surprise.

It always feels a little magical.

Lin Wanwan looked at the orange-red water in front of her. She opened her lips and said, "Well, Ah Zi, put out the fire... Drumsticks, use your water magic to pour on this thing."

Baili Qinxue looked at the constantly surging and steaming water, without hesitation, she condensed water magic in her palm and poured it straight down.

blah blah blah.

This strange sound, accompanied by the burning and unpleasant smell, rushed into the noses of everyone.

Baili Qinxue pinched her nose subconsciously. At this moment, the water that was still surging just now turned into a large black iron block under the water magic, without the shape of any weapon at all.

Baili Qinxue was a little surprised, but didn't ask.

But Zhao Yu couldn't bear it any longer, he said: "Stupid girl, you have been working for a long time, and you just made such a big iron block?"

A good weapon, just ruined like this?
Lin Wanwan glanced at him, and said in a calm voice, "Ah Yuben, this is still not a complete semi-finished product. I just fused them together and did not enrich them with the shape of a staff. However, if there is a god-level black iron, Things like runestones are [-]% able to produce a god-level magic staff."

After all, it was the first fusion, and she was a little uncertain.

If there is that kind of ultra-high-grade material, it will be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

But, that is something that can be encountered but not sought after...

Runestones and god-level black iron?
Baili Qinxue's eyes lit up, and the corners of her lips curled up.

For those two things, she has more space.

"However, it's okay if you don't have chicken legs. I will definitely not disappoint the expectations of chicken legs." Lin Wanwan raised his eyes, and a ray of determination flashed across his dead eyes.

Baili Qinxue curled her lips, and continued to smile: "Lin Wanwan, you really don't have confidence in me, who said I don't have these two things anymore?"

Lin Wanwan blinked, a little stunned.

Chicken legs do have runestones, but they are damaged, and the effect is halved.

As for the god-level black iron, I have never seen chicken legs say it...

Not only Lin Wanwan, but others were also a little stunned, especially Zhao Yu who was exaggerated, he opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself, "Little sister has these two things, it's wrong, I haven't heard her mention it at all..."

Baili Qinxue blinked, and the smile in her eyes deepened, "Then you guys have to watch..."

After saying that, she took out the two treasures from the space.



(End of this chapter)

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