Chapter 1811 Refining awesome weapons!
A ray of bright light came into everyone's eyes.

When everyone came back to their senses, they saw two top-quality treasures lying quietly on the table.

The god-level iron blood is red, as if there is really bright red blood flowing slowly in it, it is extremely bright, and the complicated runes engraved on the runestones look mysterious and very beautiful.

"How about it, should I believe it now?" Baili Qinxue pointed to the two things on the table, the smile on her lips still did not fall.

A group of people looked at the things on the table and were completely dumbfounded.

Are they dreaming?

I actually saw two legendary things, and they were both intact, as beautiful as handicrafts.

Jing Ye was also completely stunned.

He knew the god-level black iron and runestones, which were legendary things. He had only seen records in books, and even the small island had never had such things.

It's amazing that this woman actually has it...

He opened his lips, but couldn't say a word.

At this time, Lin Wanwan was the first to wake up, she stepped forward and held the two things in her arms, she couldn't put it down.

"Well, it's really runestones and god-level black iron. I'm so happy to see them..." Lin Wanwan's eyes were shining brightly.

Zhao Yu and Wei Nanzi looked at each other, and quickly woke up from the shock.

"Wait, these are really the legendary things..." Zhao Yu asked nervously, swallowing his saliva.

He actually saw those legendary things, haha, his life is so lucky.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and said calmly: "As you can see, these are really legendary things, but since you saw them today, these are no longer legends."

Zhao Yu rubbed his nose and laughed a few times.

Wei Nanzi blinked, too shocked to speak.


This woman was so powerful that he didn't dare to speak.

Seeing them like this, Baili Qinxue smiled again and said, "Lin Wanwan, I have some of these materials now, can you help me make a superb weapon?"

Lin Wanwan's eyes were flickering, but his tone was firm and unusual, "Well, it's not a top-grade weapon, but a super-best artifact, coupled with a dragon tortoise crystal core, it is definitely a rare artifact in the world, and it may be possible to refine an ancient artifact. Maybe..."

Is it so powerful?

Baili Qinxue opened her lips, but in the end she just murmured, "I will leave everything to you."

Lin Wanwan nodded, looking very solemn.

She asked Wei Nanzi to condense the fire magic.

Wei Nanzi was stunned for a moment, and quickly recovered.

Zhao Yu looked at Baili Qinxue, he had many questions in his heart, but seeing her staring at her intently, he pursed his lips and decided to ask questions later.

At this time, Lin Wanwan had already put the god-level black iron and the black lacquered iron into it together.

In an instant, the two things fused together in an instant, and the iron block, which was still black just now, became extremely shiny now, like a bright pearl.

Baili Qinxue opened her lips, still somewhat surprised.

The same goes for the other three.

This is the first time I have seen such a grand and amazed scene...

Lin Wanwan raised the small hammer and tapped on the shiny things, the sound of bang bang resounded continuously in the house.

In a blink of an eye, the shiny thing gradually took shape, turning into a staff. Lin Wanwan squinted his eyes, and threw the runestones into it at the right time.


The runestone unexpectedly shattered and turned into a puddle of water, fused into it...


(End of this chapter)

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