Chapter 1821 Can you beat a big shot?
Let him go through this muddy water, he doesn't want to do it!

Ding Liufeng waved his sleeves, determined to leave.

Second Master Liu had sharp eyesight and quick hands, grabbed his sleeve and said, "Young Master Ding, don't go, we really didn't sell counterfeit stone materials today, it was those two bastards who slandered us, Young Master Ding, what are you doing for us?" We call the shots."

Ding Liufeng tugged on his sleeve, but he couldn't take it off. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Second Master Liu, this is your family's business. If I take this muddy water, won't I get into trouble?"

Seeing that he wanted to separate himself from them, Second Master Liu squinted his eyes, and his expression was a little ugly, "Mr. Ding, I was in Fourth Master Long's stone-picking venue yesterday, and you also participated in what we did. Speaking of which, We can be regarded as people on the same boat, isn't it a bit unkind for you to leave us alone now?"

Ding Liufeng paused, and looked at Second Master Liu angrily.

"Are you threatening me?"

He felt a little regretful that he had joined forces with them yesterday, and they still relied on him.

It's just disgusting...

Second Master Liu smiled and said, "Young Master Ding, you put it so harshly. I'm just asking Master Ding for help, not a so-called threat."

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth angrily, "Isn't this a threat?"

Liu Cheng stepped forward, hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, "Young Master Ding, don't be angry, Daddy just wants you to help carry stones, if there is anything wrong, I will apologize on behalf of Daddy."

Ding Liufeng looked sideways at Liu Cheng.

No matter how angry he is, he won't argue with a woman.

After he stabilized his mind, he said: "Forget it, since you are so sincere, then I will help you pick the rocks, and it will also make those two men retreat in spite of their difficulties."

Hearing this, Liu Cheng and Liu Erye glanced at each other, and the smile in their eyes grew stronger.

Second Master Liu laughed a few times, then turned his head to look at Baili Qinxue and said, "This is the expert rock picker we invited, his name is Ding Liufeng, he is the eldest son of the stone picker family in the North Continent, he is doing Everyone should know his name, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people also made a noise.

It turned out to be a member of the stone-picking family in the Northern Continent. He really is a great big shot.

If this great man were to act, he would surely be able to drive those two ordinary men back, right?
Hearing the voices from the people, Baili Qinxue curled her lips, she was not angry, she curled her lips and said with a smile: "Everyone, if I can win against this big man, does it mean that what I said is extremely correct?" , They really sell imitation stone raw materials?"

The people paused, and then said again: "Of course, if you can beat the son of the stone-picking family, it will prove that your stone-picking skills are extremely superb, and we will naturally believe you."

Seeing that the people's attention was all on Baili Qinxue, Ding Liufeng felt an unknown fire in his heart and said, "Let's talk about these things after you win..."

Talk big now, are you sick?

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, smiled and said nothing.

At this moment……

Second Master Liu has already picked a few raw stones from the warehouse.

The raw stones were placed on a tray covered with a red cloth, which looked very grand and grand. Baili Qinxue looked at Second Master Liu calmly, waiting for his next words.

Erye Liu stood there for a while, then pointed to the things in the tray, and said: "There are a few stones in it, which I carefully selected, and I want you to tell what is hidden inside. Whoever is right wins."


(End of this chapter)

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