Chapter 1822 Has such momentum?

Baili Qinxue laughed when she heard this.

This kind of competition is not difficult. She has also compared with Ding Jingtai before. If she changes someone, the result of the competition will not change.

At this moment……

Second Master Liu has already opened the red cloth.

In an instant, the six stone raw materials on the tray instantly caught the eyes of the two of them.

Baili Qinxue glanced lightly, but the expression on her face did not change.

Ding Liufeng also looked at the raw stones in the tray, he curled his lips, showing an expression of winning.

"Both of you, are you ready?" Second Master Liu looked at Ding Liufeng, and then his eyes fell on Baili Qinxue. In an instant, there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

This kid dared to compare with Ding Liufeng, it was simply beyond his control.

Ding Liufeng raised his chin and said extremely proudly: "Of course I'm ready, I wonder if this brother is ready?"

Baili Qinxue held her fingertips, nodded and said, "I'm ready too, we can start."

Ding Liufeng glanced at her contemptuously.

At this time, Second Master Liu had already ordered someone to prepare paper and pens.

Baili Qinxue took these things and slowly paced in front of the six stone raw materials.

She stretched out her hand, carefully feeling everything inside the raw stone, and then, with a few "swish swishes", wrote something on the paper.

Ding Liufeng glanced at her contemptuously, but he was just playing with an ax at the door of the class.

If you dare to compete with Ding Liufeng, just wait to lose, haha.

Baili Qinxue completely ignored him, and turned to pick up the fourth stone material. She could tell what was inside just by touching it. She picked up a pen and wrote something on the paper.

Liu Cheng looked at it, and not only murmured in her heart, "Daddy, that kid is so fast, why did he turn his head and start looking at the fourth stone, and Ding Liufeng is still wandering on the second stone."

Second Master Liu sneered and said: "Some people don't know how to pick stones and just like to write about them. I think that kid is one of these people. In order not to lose too badly, he decided to win in speed. However, this is still It's useless."

After listening to Liu Cheng, she couldn't help nodding her head and said: "Daddy is right, that kid is so fast, who knows if he is just writing nonsense?"

Second Master Liu pursed his lips, and the contempt in his eyes became more intense, "That's right, we don't have to be afraid of this kind of yellow-haired boy at all."

The two laughed for a while, then turned their heads and continued to watch the competition.

At this moment……

Baili Qinxue has read and written all of them.

She was holding the written paper, standing where she was, quietly looking at Ding Liufeng.

Ding Liufeng's scalp was numb from her gaze, and his pressure doubled. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to ignore that gaze.

Baili Qinxue curled her lips and raised her eyebrows.

Ding Liufeng frowned. Did this bastard do it on purpose, was he demonstrating?

He was a little angry, but he didn't burst out.

Baili Qinxue turned her head and turned her gaze back. When she retracted her gaze, Ding Liufeng felt much better.

This bastard kid actually has such an aura?
Ding Liufeng's heart trembled, and he finally calmed down. The feeling just now must be an illusion!

He walked up to the last piece of raw stone, looked at it with his eyes, and touched it with his hands. It took him a while to write it down on the paper.

Seeing that both of them had finished writing, Second Master Liu took a step forward and said, "If both of you have finished writing, then I will start announcing the answers."

As he said that, he asked a few boys who unpacked the stones to come over.


(End of this chapter)

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