Chapter 1823 Could it be a peek...

Jie Shi stood in a row, waiting for the two to speak.

Ding Liufeng raised his chin and said proudly: "Of course my son finished writing, but I don't know if that little brother has finished writing?"

He would never admit that that person was faster than himself.

Baili Qinxue looked at him, and said with a faint smile: "Master Ding, did you forget? I wrote it earlier than you..."

Hearing this, Ding Liufeng's cheeks turned blue with anger.

This hateful brat, is it necessary to say that?

Gritting his teeth, Ding Liufeng glared at Baili Qinxue several times.

Baili Qinxue didn't care, her face was calm, her eyes were still as light as the wind.

Ding Liufeng only felt that it was as painless as being hit on cotton, he bit his lip angrily, and cast his eyes elsewhere.

Baili Qinxue smiled, then cast her eyes on Erye Liu again, and said, "I've chosen it too, it's fine for Erye Liu to announce the answer directly."

Second Master Liu nodded, and said again: "Then let's take a look at the raw material of the first stone first, and you give me the note of the raw material of the first stone."

Ding Liufeng had quick eyes and quick hands, and first handed the note to Second Master Liu.

Second Master Liu smiled, and immediately unfolded Ding Liufeng's note. There were a lot of densely written words on the note, but the last one or two sentences were really useful.

Second Master Liu frowned, and after reading the pile of words, he said: "Young Master Ding wrote on the paper that there are Yuan Lingjing stones hidden in the stone material, this little brother let me see what you wrote. "

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and generously handed the note to Second Master Liu.

Second Master Liu took it with a look of disgust, and slowly opened it while pinching the corner of the note. After opening it, he glanced at it and said, "This little brother also wrote Yuanling spar on the note."

After hearing this, Liu Cheng couldn't help but sneered: "Sure enough, he's a useless person, he's used to following suit."

Other people also whispered.

That's right, the two of them wrote the same words, it couldn't be that little brother peeking at Ding Liufeng, right?
The unbearable words came into his eyes, and Baili Qinxue pursed his lips and said lightly: "Everyone, have you forgotten that I finished writing before Mr. Ding, so how could I sneak a peek at someone who wrote slower than me?"

As soon as this remark came out, the questioning words of the common people could not help but weaken a bit.

That's right, the little brother wrote it first.

That Ding Liufeng finished writing it very late, could it be that Ding Liufeng peeked at it?

No, no, Ding Liufeng would definitely not take a peek, so it can only mean that there is really a Yuanling spar hidden there.

Ding Liufeng's face was livid, and he looked at Baili Qinxue angrily.

This bastard actually slandered him, damn it.

"Second Master Liu, hurry up and let these servants untie the raw materials of the stone, and don't say anything else." Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth, and the words he said were a little harsh.

Second Master Liu was taken aback, and hurriedly asked the boy to come forward and untie the raw stone.

The boy picked up the raw stone and immediately started to untie it.

In an instant, a thin mist floated out from the stone material.

When the common people saw it, their eyes widened, wow, wow, mist came out again, which means there are good things inside.

When the common people thought about it this way, they were even more sure that it contained Yuan Ling spar.

Second Master Liu clenched his fingertips tightly, feeling a little excited. There is actually a Yuanling spar hidden in this seemingly not-so-good raw material. Haha, he can make a small fortune again.

When all the raw materials of the stone were untied, a blue crystal fell out.


(End of this chapter)

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