Chapter 1834 That man in red!

Second Master Liu bit his lips and tried to explain: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know him, this person may have seen that our Zhenbao Pavilion is doing well, so he put on our black market clothes, intending to discredit our black market."

Baili Qinxue curled her lips, but she smiled and said nothing.

Hearing this, the young servant jumped up and said: "Liu Erye, how can you say that? You asked me to find stone materials and let me do this. How can you turn your face and deny people at this time?" ?”

The little servant was so angry that he pushed Erye Liu out.

Second Master Liu only felt a burst of anger and blood, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Why is this boy so ungrateful that he confessed directly to him? If he could keep his mouth tighter, they would be able to avoid the limelight. At that time, he could also give this boy some compensation or something.

Baili Qinxue pretended to be surprised, then raised her lips and said with a smile: "Second Master Liu, your people have already admitted it, do you want to say anything more?"

Second Master Liu opened his lips, but said nothing.

But Liu Cheng stood up and said: "Don't listen to this boy's nonsense, this boy must have been bribed by others, and he is here to trick us."

The boy was so angry that his cheeks were flushed, and there was a ray of resentment in his eyes, "I'm not... I'm from the black market. It was Liu Erye who asked me to do this. You have to believe me, otherwise, lend me ten courages and let me know." I don't even dare to do that..."

"You kid, you're still talking nonsense!" Second Master Liu opened his mouth and shouted.

The boy was startled by the drink, and after blinking blankly, he didn't dare to speak.

Seeing this, Erye Liu's expression softened, "Everyone, there must be some misunderstanding in this, don't listen to slander..."

As soon as he finished his words, he heard a provocative and pleasant male voice, which came slowly through the autumn wind.

"This place called Xinghua City is interesting. I just wandered around and found such an interesting thing. It's really fun."

On the beam of the Zhenbao Pavilion in the black market, a man was sitting upright.

The man was wearing a deep red robe, with wide and wide sleeves dancing in the wind, and there seemed to be a bit of charm in the slow movement. The man's hair was black, and there was a smile in his bright eyes, but at the bottom of his eyes, there was It seems that there is a bit of coldness, and it makes people feel a little uncomfortable when they look at it.

"Look, there is a man in red sitting on the beam, and he looks very good."

"That's right, he's so good-looking. I've never seen such a good-looking man."

"Where did he come from, and he is dressed gorgeously, so his status should be extremely noble."

The people pointed at the beams of the house.

When Baili Qinxue heard the familiar male voice, she was also slightly taken aback.

Such a familiar voice, even after thousands of years, she will always remember it, not to mention it was only a few days apart.

After regaining consciousness, the corners of Baili Qinxue's lips hooked slightly, and the bottom of her piercing and cold eyes seemed to bloom like flowers, and slowly, a touching smile spread out.

It's like the water surface blown by the autumn wind, bringing a bit of lingering taste.

She raised her eyes, her eyes lingering on the beams.

It really is Dugu Sheng...

Baili Qinxue raised the corners of her lips, and the smile in her eyes became even stronger.

This brat was still wearing a flirty red dress, and as soon as he came back, he would go to the lively place, and he didn't know to go back to the academy to see them, making them miss him, it's really hateful.

Baili Qinxue suppressed the smile in her eyes, and there seemed to be a trace of reproach.


(End of this chapter)

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