Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1835 It seems to be filled with something

Chapter 1835 It seems to be filled with something
With curly hair, Dugu Sheng leaned lazily on the beam to watch the show.

Seeing the common people praised him for his good looks, the corners of his lips curled up, and the smile seemed to be a little more provocative, but the coldness in his eyes did not fade away.

Jing Ye swallowed, staring blankly at Dugu Sheng.

Haha, it's the young master, the young master has finally returned to their side...

Jing Ye was happy in his heart, and looked at Dugu Sheng with burning eyes.

Dugu Sheng frowned, and soon met Jing Ye's gaze.

Who is this man, looking at him with such enthusiasm, as if he was going to eat him, it's simply wretched.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and glanced over with a cold look, which seemed to have a terrible sense of oppression, but also mixed with a bit of killing intent.

Jing Ye swallowed his saliva, why did he feel that there was something wrong with the young master's temper.

However, it is still so mighty!
Jing Ye didn't blink his eyes, but still stared at Dugu Sheng without blinking.

Dugu Sheng frowned, this person must be sick...

He smiled sarcastically, and quickly turned his eyes back, but soon, his eyes met Baili Qinxue's.

In an instant, his heart seemed to have fallen into a small stone, and in an instant, it was shaking slightly like water, and a ripple was shallowly cut open. This subtle feeling made his brows frowned again.

Who is this ugly brat? It's extremely interesting that he can make such a strange feeling in his calm heart.

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and his shining eyes lingered on Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue met his eyes.

She curled her lips, and the resentment in her eyes was quickly replaced by a smile.

This kid is so smart, he must know that she has changed his face, otherwise, how could he smile at her? Obviously, he recognized it. .

It was great to see him again.

Dugu Sheng withdrew his gaze, supported his head with one hand, and said again: "I have been sitting on it and I can see it clearly, it is that person named Liu Erye who asked that young man to do that business, how many of you Just don’t evade it, I’m upset when I look at it, I can tell that those stone materials are counterfeit at a glance, so you don’t have to try your best to defend yourself, Mr. Liu, it’s useless..."

After saying those words, Dugu Sheng sat up straight, his twinkling eyes became a little frighteningly sharp.


Where did you come from, you dare to talk nonsense!

Liu Erye followed the sound, raised his eyes viciously, and when he saw it, he couldn't help being stunned.

This kid is indeed good-looking, but he is quite familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere before.

"Who is this kid? Why does he feel familiar?" Second Master Liu looked sideways at Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth to understand: "Of course I'm familiar with it. Isn't this man the one who has been by Baili Qinxue's side all the time? I thought he had gone away and never came back, but I didn't expect...he is really haunted scattered."

After hearing this, Erye Liu hurriedly nodded, "So that's the case, no wonder they are so familiar, so I know Baili Qinxue... That woman is haunted, I didn't expect her man to do the same, the two are really hateful."

"Daddy, what should we do now?" Liu Cheng glanced at the angry people and swallowed.

Just as Master Liu was about to speak, the common people spoke up.

"Liu Erye, your black market has a history of many years, how can you sell such fake things?"

"That's right, Second Master Liu, do you want to give us an explanation?"

"Second Master Liu, after this incident, we no longer trust you. It is very likely that the stone materials you sold to us a few days ago were also counterfeit. Please return all our gold coins."


(End of this chapter)

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