Chapter 1836 Who is Baili Qinxue?
Second Master Liu opened his lips. Seeing the waves of abuse, he knew that he was powerless, so he pretended to be silent and said nothing.

Liu Cheng was also frightened by the abuse and took a few steps back.

This wave of cursing was really scary, making them overwhelmed.

Seeing that Liu Erye was silent, how could the common people give up just like that? Their scolding voices became sharper and louder, attracting all the people on the street outside.

Second Master Liu rubbed his temples angrily, but in the end he could only order the servant to take out some gold coins.

"Don't make trouble anymore, don't you want gold coins?" Second Master Liu said angrily, "I'll give it to you right now. After you take it, shut up!"

Liu Erye said it very badly, and the people were very angry, but they shut their mouths obediently when they saw the gold coins, lest they even lose the gold coins when they got it, hum.

"It seems that Second Master Liu is a smart man?" Baili Qinxue sneered when he saw that Second Master Liu was ruining his fortune.

Second Master Liu glanced at her, feeling a little angry in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

Dugu Sheng stroked his sleeves, seeing that there was no good show to watch, he flew away.

When Baili Qinxue heard the movement, her eyes suddenly widened.

This kid actually left without saying hello, really...

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and winked at Chao Jingye.

Jing Ye Huiyi immediately left the gate of Zhenbao Pavilion with Baili Qinxue.

After going out, Baili Qinxue followed Dugu Sheng's breath and found him in a small alley.

Holding the sword in both hands, Dugu Sheng stopped walking, and he slowly turned his head to look at them solemnly, "What are you doing, why are you following me all this time?"

There was a stern look in his eyes, hiding a murderous look, which made people frightened.

Baili Qinxue was slightly taken aback, Dugu Sheng like this seemed a little strange...

Memory, that kid has never shown him such a look.

Baili Qinxue's face turned cold, and she pretended to be angry and said, "You big bun, you lived on the island for a few days, and when you came back, you forgot about us, and even asked who we were, and you still held the sword in your hand. Do you want to kill us?"

Hearing Baili Qinxue's intimate and familiar tone, Dugu Sheng frowned again.

"Hearing from your tone, we seem to be very familiar. Do we know each other?" Dugu Sheng squinted his eyes and asked back, his gaze kept lingering on Baili Qinxue. After a long time, his eyes flickered, and he sneered again: "Such an ugly man , how could I know you, although you are very interesting, but you have to pay a price for following me..."

His voice was deep and pleasant, but the last sentence was full of danger.

Baili Qinxue frowned, feeling that Dugu Sheng in front of her was a little strange.

If they were big buns, how could they not recognize them?
But if it wasn't for the big bun, why would the aura on his body be so familiar...

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, and said again: "You big bun, although we have changed our appearance, how could you forget us, I am Baili Qinxue, and he is your personal bodyguard Jing Ye .”

After finishing speaking, Baili Qinxue took off the makeup on her face.

In an instant, a delicate and beautiful face as white as jade came into Dugu Sheng's eyes.

As he watched, his heart trembled slightly.

It is indeed a beautiful and delicate face. Although the people on their island are full of aura, compared with the woman in front of them, they are not half as good as her. Her beauty is not as vulgar and squeamish as ordinary women , but the kind of powerful and piercing beauty that makes people unable to take their eyes off.



(End of this chapter)

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