Chapter 1855 Then I'll tell you!

Thinking of this, Jing Ye's eyes lit up again.

"The young master has become a tutor, which means that he will stay in the academy for a long time." Jing Ye's face remained unchanged, but his eyes were shining brightly, "Miss Baili, we can find a way to remind him. "

Jing Ye was extremely happy in his heart.

Baili Qinxue also seemed to be infected by him, and there was a faint curve on the corner of her mouth.

"Little sister, tell us what happened to that kid?" Zhao Yu suddenly interrupted them, "We don't believe what you said to Xuanyuan Po and the others just now, the matter must not be that simple."

Wei Nanzi and Lin Wanwan nodded, they didn't believe it.

The four thieves also said: "That's right, that kid is so powerful, he definitely won't forget everything after getting sick, he must have experienced something..."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Jing Ye frowned, they dared to inquire about the young master, they must be tired of work.

His eyes were sharp, and his hands kept rubbing on the hilt of his sword.

Seeing that Baili Qinxue didn't speak, Zhao Yu lowered his eyes and said with an unhappy face: "Little sister, why don't you say it? There are some things that can be solved by a few more people. Why do you have to carry it alone? where?"

Lin Wanwan also said: "That's right, this matter must be very complicated, you don't have to carry the chicken leg alone, we can also share it for you."

"My country was saved by you." Wei Nanzi touched his nose, blushing and said with a twist: "We have long been your inseparable friends, sometimes, you can also try to rely on us ..."

After the words fell, Wei Nanzi's face turned even redder.

He himself is tired of listening to such provocative words...


Jing Ye had already pulled out his long sword, and he said with a cold face, "You guys are not allowed to inquire about young master's affairs. If you dare to inquire again, be careful that I will not show mercy."

He rushed out suddenly, and everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, and quickly put the sword in Jing Ye's hand back into the scabbard.

"Jing Ye, don't be willful." Baili Qinxue said softly, but there was an indescribable majesty in her eyes.

Jing Ye bit his lip and said, "But, they are inquiring about the young master."

"I've known them for a long time, and I know what they are like very well." Baili Qinxue looked into Jing Ye's eyes and said word by word: "It's not a big problem to tell them about the big bun."

She thought about it, and felt that she should tell about the big bun.

Dugu Mantian is hostile to her, she can feel it, and she doesn't know if Dugu Mantian will attack the people around her, in order to plan early, she still speaks out the matter, so that they can have a comparison in their hearts good.

"But..." Jing Ye bit her lip, still disapproving.

Baili Qinxue insisted, her voice was firm, "I've made up my mind."

Jing Ye pursed his lips and returned to the firewood room angrily, "Hmph..."

Looking at Jing Ye's back, Baili Qinxue was instantly amused.

This boy with an ice cube face can be so arrogant?

Zhao Yu blinked, and said in surprise, "Little sister, he is actually angry, can you tell us it's okay?"

Baili Qinxue shook her head, "It's okay, I think it's necessary to tell you something, so that you can have a better understanding."

Everyone nodded, waiting patiently for her next words.

Baili Qinxue raised her red lips and said everything she wanted to say.

Everyone listened intently and was stunned.

After Baili Qinxue finished speaking, Zhao Yu stared round her eyes and said, "Little sister, you said that kid is from the royal family on the mysterious island?"


(End of this chapter)

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