Chapter 1856 Let's take our time!

Mysterious island.

That is the legendary island...

I heard that there is a mysterious lake around the small island, and there are countless mist around the lake, and there are many strange treasures on the island, but there are many dangers inside, some people want to break into the small island to snatch the treasures, but they never come back Pass.

The small island is a place where there is no return, it is extremely mysterious and dangerous, and no one dares to enter it over time.

But today, she actually said that Dugu Sheng is a royal family on the mysterious island, and they have been to the island... It's just ahaha.

Not only Zhao Yu, but even the others were a little dazed.

"Don't be surprised, the big bun is indeed from the mysterious island." Baili Qinxue said calmly.

It took a while for a group of people to recover after hearing this.

Lin Wanwan touched the fat paw of the stinky bear, and said, "Well, no wonder the big chicken legs are so powerful. It turns out that the background is so extraordinary..."

It turned out to be a person from the mysterious island, so scary...

"The background is really extraordinary. When I first heard him talk, I was a little dazed, but I soon eased over." Baili Qinxue smiled lightly, with a faint smile on her brows and eyes.

Lin Wanwan blinked his eyes, and said again: "Well, it's really shocking, let me be quiet for a while..."

Zhao Yu swallowed, remembering what Baili Qinxue said before, and opened his mouth to ask again: "Little sister, you just said that the kid's amnesia may be related to his father. What's going on?"

Can a father make his son lose his memory?

There is really no one left.

When Dugu Mantian was mentioned, Baili Qinxue's face immediately became serious, "Well, because I think his father is a bit strange, and he looks at me with hostility, so I think the big bun's amnesia has something to do with it. He's related."

"Hostile?" Zhao Yu still didn't understand, "Little sister, you and his father have just met, so why are you hostile?"

Baili Qinxue clenched her fingers and frowned, "This is exactly what I'm wondering about. I only met his father once, but he looked like he had seen me before, and his expression was full of hostility. It’s beyond comprehension.”

Zhao Yu pursed his lips, "That's really terrible, this kid's father is really a strange guy..."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her face suddenly became extremely serious, and said: "I said these words to you today, just to let you know that the father of the big bun is hostile to me, and I am afraid that he will The people around me also attacked."

After hearing this, a group of people nodded hastily.

Zhao Yu also bent his lips and said with a smile: "Although we don't know what that kid's father wants to do, we will listen to my little sister and take precautions early. By the way, do you need our help with that kid's matter?"

The eyes of a group of people flickered, and they looked at Baili Qinxue with bright eyes.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and said: "There is no need to rush this matter, it is better for us to let nature take its course, since Big Baozi stayed in the academy as a tutor, I believe there are still many opportunities for us to meet in the future. "

A group of people nodded hurriedly after listening.

The four thieves laughed and said: "As long as that kid stays in the academy for a day, we will hang around in front of him. We don't believe that kid will not remember."

Zhao Yu also agreed: "It's a good idea. It's nothing to hang around in front of him. I don't believe he can't remember it."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

A group of people sat in the living room for a while, and then left.

As night fell, Jing Ye was still hiding in the woodshed and sulked.

Baili Qinxue put on some clothes and stood by the bed, looking at the endless darkness of the night.

At this moment……

She heard footsteps behind her.


(End of this chapter)

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