Chapter 1862 Scared the baby to death.

Dugu Sheng glanced at them a few times, and said softly: "I have my own measure, of course I won't kill anyone, do you want to see it?"

The students looked at each other, swallowed their saliva and said excitedly: "Mr. Dugu, we want to see, we want to see..."

Zhao Yu gritted his teeth angrily.

This group of hateful students is eager to see him make a fool of himself, it's too hateful.

Dugu Sheng turned his head, looked narrowly at Zhao Yu, and said: "Brother, the students all want to see how this formation tortures people, and please sacrifice a little bit, I will take care of myself."

Zhao Yu's eyes widened in shock.

He was so angry that he ran to the front of the formation, kept beating on the transparent barrier, and said, "No, let me out, let me out..."

The students could only see his mouth moving and could not hear what he was saying at all.

"Teacher Dugu, what is Little General Zhao talking about?" The students couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw Zhao Yu's anxious expression, "He seems to be in pain..."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and said casually: "He is excited, it is a very happy thing for him to be able to truly experience the formation."

The students believed it after hearing it.

"So that's the case, we also seem to go in and experience it."

Dugu Sheng smiled coldly, but did not speak.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him calmly, with a helpless smile on the corner of her lips, this kid's heart must be black.

Zhao Yu was obviously saying no, but this kid actually said that he was excited. The kung fu of opening his eyes and talking nonsense is simply insane...

At this moment……

Dugu Sheng's fingertips moved.

Whoosh whoosh.

The iron chains in the formation directly attacked Zhao Yu, binding Zhao Yu instantly, and then the iron chains became tighter and tighter...Zhao Yu felt a sense of suffocation, and his expression immediately turned pale. blue.

The students looked at it and felt a chill.


This tormenting formation is so terrifying, if it is not released, the people trapped inside will definitely suffocate to death.

The students hurriedly said: "Teacher Dugu, General Zhao's face is turning blue, if this continues, will it..."

Before the students could finish their words, Dugu Sheng waved his hand, and the iron chains came loose.

After Zhao Yu was released, he clutched his chest and panted heavily.

That kid is too bad, to torture him like this, let him walk on the verge of death, it's too abominable.

"This is the formation that can torture people." Dugu Sheng shook his sleeves and explained: "This formation can not only trap people in it, but also torture the people inside it at will, either directly or directly. After repeated torture, the iron chains inside can be released and closed at will by the person who set up the formation."

After hearing this, the students nodded with enthusiasm.

It turns out that if you learn this formation, you will be able to save your life even more, don't be too good!
Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, his eyes were dark, with an unknown emotion in his eyes, and he said again: "I'll show you one more time, just look carefully, how the iron chain inside is controlled by me."

The students became excited again upon hearing this.

Anyway, Dugu Sheng will not kill Zhao Yu, just feel uncomfortable, nothing will happen at all.

Dugu Sheng moved his fingertips, and at this moment, the iron chains in the formation moved again.

Whoosh whoosh.

The iron chain moved back and forth in the air, but there was no intention to bind Zhao Yu.

When Zhao Yu saw it, he felt lingering fear, and his face turned blue from fright.


(End of this chapter)

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