Chapter 1863 I thought I was going to die!

Zhao Yu pursed his lips tightly, and quietly stepped back a few steps to the side.

The iron chain dangling back and forth in the air seemed to have an astonishing aura, even if it just dangled and did not move, it still scared him out of breath.

"Brat, let me out quickly..." Zhao Yu turned his head and slapped the transparent barrier again.

He couldn't stay in this damn place for a minute.

Dugu Sheng stood facing the wind, his dark eyes narrowed, as if there was a sharp flash.

This person surnamed Zhao actually called him a brat, don't think he didn't hear it.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyes, which were stained with a frightening depth, he moved his fingertips, and in an instant, the iron chain was like a runaway wild horse, and it went straight to attack Zhao Yu.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Yu was entangled by the iron chain again.

Zhao Yu's head froze, and when he realized it, he yelled excitedly: "Ah, put me down quickly, didn't you mean to help, why have you been torturing me..."

Dugu Sheng glanced maliciously, hum, just to torture him.

He moved his fingertips again, and the iron chain, which was still still, started to shake up and down at this moment, making Zhao Yu dizzy and pale.

Dugu Sheng was unmoved, and explained again casually: "Look, the iron chain is controlled in this way, as long as you want it to move according to your own preferences, if you don't want it to move, you can also move it like just now That stopped."

The iron chains in the formation were still swinging non-stop, Zhao Yu's complexion was pale, and he almost fainted.

The students couldn't help but secretly amazed seeing such a miraculous iron chain, but after being amazed, they swallowed their saliva and suddenly felt that Zhao Yu was so pitiful.

Although it is to help, but looking at his face, you can tell that it is very bad. If this continues, it may cause death.

The students swallowed their saliva and said falteringly: "Teacher Dugu, I'm afraid General Zhao doesn't look very well..."

Dugu Sheng glanced at Zhao Yu, and said in a low voice, "He's just a little dizzy, there's nothing serious about it, please be careful."

The corners of the students' mouths twitched, Zhao Yu's face was pale, and he looked like he was about to foam. Is there anything wrong?
"But..." The students wanted to say more, but were interrupted by Dugu Sheng.

"No need, but just watch carefully." Dugu Sheng glanced at him, the cold and sharp look in his eyes was frightening.

The students were startled, too frightened to speak.

Dugu Sheng fiddled with it for a while before he loosened the iron chain.

As soon as the iron chain was loosened, Zhao Yu fell to the ground with a thud. He was panting heavily, his face was frighteningly pale, and he didn't stand up from the ground for a long time.

It's disgusting that this brat treats him like this...

With a flick of his fingertips, Dugu Sheng withdrew the formation in an instant. He said softly, "I have already removed the folding method. You can lift up this little General Zhao."

Upon hearing this, the students hurriedly lifted Zhao Yu up.

Zhao Yu was a little weak, and his feet went limp as soon as they touched the ground. Fortunately, the students supported him so that he didn't fall down again.

Baili Qinxue took a step forward and said, "Give him to me, and I'll help him up."

Upon hearing this, the students hurriedly handed Zhao Yu over to her.

Baili Qinxue supported Zhao Yu and gave him a few pills, Zhao Yu felt much better now.

"Little sister, that kid is too bad, he must have done it on purpose!" Zhao Yu pursed his lips, feeling a little wronged in his heart.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, "There is indeed a deliberate element... Are you okay?"

Zhao Yu flattened his mouth aggrievedly, and said, "It's much better after taking the elixir, just now I thought I was going to die..."


(End of this chapter)

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