Chapter 1877 My standard is...

Zhao Yu said flatly: "Then Xuanyuan Po said it was because you are too strong, so you have to increase the difficulty, and I don't know what he thinks. I always feel a little strange."

"Is it strange?" The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips moved, and a terrible dark light flashed between his brows and eyes, he said: "Yeah, I also find it quite strange, as if..."

Baili Qinxue paused, but did not continue.

Zhao Yu's eyes flashed, and he quickly asked her: "What seems to be here?"

"It's nothing, maybe we are overthinking." Baili Qinxue smiled with her lips curled up, but the faint smile didn't reach her eyes, and there was also a sharp look in her eyes, which was extremely frightening to watch.

Summoners can use their thoughts to scare away monsters, especially those low-level monsters. If they encounter a summoner, they will definitely tremble with fright and lie down to beg for mercy.

Did Xuanyuan Po do this to prove that she is a summoner?

However, in what ways did she show her flaws?
Obviously everything was fine before he went to the Eastern Continent, why did he...

What happened to him in the Eastern Continent, and what is so unusual about him to a summoner?
Baili Qinxue held her chin and frowned, thinking for a while but couldn't think through anything, she bit her lip and breathed a sigh of relief.

If you can't think of it, don't think about it for the time being. Maybe it's just that you think too much?
Seeing that Baili Qinxue was unwilling to say more, Zhao Yu still smiled and said: "Yes, maybe we think too much, although Xuanyuan Po is usually cold, but he was on good terms with us before, so naturally he won't harm us. "

Baili Qinxue nodded and said nothing.

Hope so...

The two quickly walked back to the second class.

Xuanyuan Po had already left after testing the students, and the two of them didn't see him in class.

Baili Qinxue stayed in the class for a while, and was about to go to the pharmacy to refine medicine. She was just about to step into the pharmacy when she saw Liu Cheng walking over, accompanied by Ding Liufeng and Ye Huansha.

Baili Qinxue stood there and raised her eyebrows. It was these three people again, why did they get together again?

She squinted her eyes, looked away and was about to enter the alchemy room.

But at this time, Ye Huansha found her.

Ye Huansha pointed at Baili Qinxue with a smile, and said to Liu Cheng: "Miss Liu, look at that is Baili Qinxue. I don't think I won't see her for a few days, but she is still so pretty."

After finishing the words, she licked the corners of her lips, and there was a burning sensation between her brows and eyes.

Liu Cheng looked in her direction, feeling a little irritable in her heart, and seeing Ye Huansha's eyes burning hot, as if she was looking at a pile of fat, she was startled and froze in place.

Why does it feel that Ye Huansha is a little weird, like a pervert.

"Yes, it is indeed Baili Qinxue." Liu Cheng flattened her mouth and said, "It's just a foxy look, how can it be so beautiful..."

Ye Huansha smiled and said: "Naturally it is beautiful, it meets the standard of my collection..."

Liu Cheng heard her talk about collection standards more than once. She raised her eyebrows and couldn't help asking: "Miss Ye, you talk about collection standards, so what exactly is your collection standard?"

Ding Liufeng's gaze was also attracted by them, "Collecting standards? Let's hear it if it's interesting..."

Ye Huansha hooked her lips and smiled strangely: "Do you really want to know?"

The two looked at each other and nodded hurriedly.

Ye Huansha licked the corner of her lips, a frightening look flashed between her brows and eyes, "My collection standard is..."


(End of this chapter)

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