Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1878 Why did you disappear last time?

Chapter 1878 Why did you disappear last time?

Liu Cheng and Ding Liufeng swallowed their saliva, staring fixedly at Ye Huansha.

I always feel that Ye Huansha's next words will be terrible.

Ye Huansha pinched her hair and said with a smile: "Naturally, beauty is the first priority, and the second is to impress me, so that I have the mood to keep it hard."

Looking at her smile, Liu Cheng felt a little nervous in her heart, and she asked again: "You keep talking about collecting and collecting, but how did you collect them?"

Ding Liufeng glanced at Ye Huansha again.

When he was in the Northern Continent, he heard that Ye Huansha had some ulterior hobbies. Could it be related to this collection?
Ding Liufeng became interested and looked at Ye Huansha eagerly.

Ye Huansha licked the corners of her lips, and said with a smile: "Just cut off the parts I like and keep them as collections..."

She spoke out her hobbies openly, but the two of them shuddered after hearing this.

Liu Cheng swallowed her saliva, and asked cautiously, "What part to cut off?"

Ye Huansha met Liu Cheng's gaze, and said: "For example, if I like other people's eyes, I will gouge out that person's eyes. If they are palms and noses, I will also cut them off."

After Ding Liufeng heard this, his body trembled.

Sure enough, there is a terrible habit...

Liu Cheng was startled, not daring to meet Ye Huansha's eyes. After she calmed down, she said, "Then last time you brought Baili Qinxue to the side room at the place where you were picking rocks, just because you wanted to treat her..."

She didn't go on, but Ye Huansha understood what she meant, and said: "Yes, she is really beautiful, I like every part, and I want to keep them all."

Ding Liufeng slowed down, and after a while he recovered his voice, and said: "The place where you pick the stones is full of dragons and snakes, you are really brave, if someone else finds out..."

Ye Huansha shrugged indifferently, "Because dragons and snakes were mixed together, I knew that no one else would come up, so I boldly attacked."

The corner of Ding Liufeng's mouth twitched, and he didn't speak again.

Ye Huansha's words were still echoing in Liucheng's head. She actually wanted to cut off Baili Qinxue's body. It sounded intrusive, but...

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyebrows. Baili Qinxue, a little slut, was already annoying, if someone else did it for her, wouldn't she be able to take advantage of it?
After thinking about it, she curled her lips and laughed.

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go talk to Baili Qinxue." Ye Huansha bypassed the two of them and walked to Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, her gaze was indifferent, "I don't know what's the matter with Ms. Ye?"

Ye Huansha rolled her eyes and asked, "I just want to ask you, I was drunk last time when I was picking stones, why didn't I see you when I woke up?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and said: "So I came to ask about this... I had something to do at the time, but you were already so drunk that I couldn't afford to delay, so I left."

"You didn't..." Ye Huansha just wanted to ask her why she didn't pass out, but after thinking about it, it's better not to ask. Maybe she was so scared that she was too drugged, so she couldn't faint her. It would be bad if she was exposed up.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and looked at her fixedly, "No, what?"

Ye Huansha waved her hand and said haha: "It's nothing, it's nothing. You were busy at the time. I said why you disappeared for no reason. I thought you were taken away by bad guys."

Baili Qinxue shrugged and said, "How come... Fourth Master Long should be considered safe."


(End of this chapter)

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