Chapter 2020 Leave me alone!
Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, but she didn't take Liu Cheng's crazy words to heart.

She has fought with the kind of person who has evil skills, how could she not know the strength of evil skills.

She hooked her fingers and said: "Liu Cheng, I don't know how you have practiced the evil skills. Let me see your strength."

Liu Cheng pursed her lips and smiled evilly, "Then you just wait to die..."

"Warcraft, no matter what, tear this little bitch apart, otherwise, I will tear you apart." Liu Cheng yelled at the monsters.

The monsters seemed to feel the turmoil in her heart, and became more vicious and ferocious, and their pace became a little faster.

Ben Da Ben Da.

The monsters were densely packed, and Baili Qinxue was surrounded by them like weak ants.

"My God, Baili Qinxue is surrounded by monsters." The referee bit his lip, and his heart was in his throat, "Baili Qinxue actually stood still, did he give up, or did he have another reason? Another way?"

But don't let any death happen.

it's scary...

Just when the referee was worried, Baili Qinxue actually condensed two lines of magic in her palm.

When the referee saw it, his eyes were straightened.

God, not only can she magically change form, but she can also control two kinds of magic at the same time, strongman.

"Contestant Baili Qinxue has actually condensed two types of magic." The referee wiped the sweat from his forehead and said even more excitedly: "It seems that the outcome of this match is very hanging in the balance. Know who's going to win."

"I will win, of course I..."

Baili Qinxue said this very arrogantly, and when she finished speaking, she rushed directly towards the group of monsters.

Crack clap.

With the flash of the sword light, the monsters fell down one by one, and then turned into a charming halo in an instant.

The referee and the audience were all stunned.

Her speed is extremely fast, and her strikes are also fierce and not sloppy at all, as if beheading monsters is a routine.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng's eyes widened suddenly.

This bitch is so powerful, even with so many monsters, she can't be trapped by herself.

"Damn, damn, what a bunch of useless monsters, kill her." Liu Cheng yelled angrily, and the monsters kept coming out of her body.

In an instant, there were more blood holes on her body.

The bright red blood hole makes people feel numb. Is this guy really a summoner?
The audience looked at it and couldn't help but have some doubts.

"Bitch, I'll kill you, I'll kill you..." Liu Cheng kept roaring, the blood stains on his body kept flowing, and in an instant, the entire arena was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The referee quickly covered his nose, "Player Liucheng, your condition is not right, please don't compete anymore, if you continue to compete, you will die."

If you leave so much blood, you will definitely die.

Liu Cheng looked at him and roared angrily: "Don't bother me, even if it means death, I will kill this little bitch."

The referee couldn't help but pause, "Liucheng player, please think it over before you speak."

Is this ugly woman crazy, and she wants to take her own life?

Liu Cheng raised his eyebrows, and roared again: "I, Liu Cheng, swear here that even if I sacrifice my life today, I will kill this little bitch. If I die, the people in the arena will not be responsible."

Liu Cheng said that, and the referee couldn't stop it, "Okay, since Liu Cheng player said that, then I don't have to stop it, please do it yourself."

Liu Cheng pursed her lips and smiled wickedly, "Haha, bitch, I'm going to kill you..."


(End of this chapter)

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