Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2021 Absorbing crystal nucleus power!

Chapter 2021 Absorbing crystal nucleus power!

The referee saw that Liu Cheng had gone mad and had gone berserk, so he couldn't help sympathizing with Baili Qinxue.

This orange is so difficult to deal with, Baili Qinxue probably won't have a good time.

Moreover, she is determined to die.

The referee swallowed his saliva and broke into a cold sweat for Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue lifted the long sword in her hand, and when her plain white robe fluttered, it made her body even more slender, "Liu Cheng, since you have used the determination of death to deal with me, then I will also I will do my best to beat you back, and when the time comes, don’t be afraid.”

Liu Cheng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Baili Qinxue, if you have time to say this, you should care more about yourself, I swear to kill you, you can't escape."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

When the long sword flew, it killed a bunch of monsters again.

When the monsters died, they all turned into small dots and disappeared, leaving no blood stains at all.

"Baili Qinxue, I know you are powerful, but with so many monsters coming, I don't believe you won't be tired..." Liu Cheng laughed loudly, more and more monsters came out of her body.

In an instant, the arena was once again occupied by countless monsters.

Baili Qinxue was surrounded by dense monsters, looking from a distance, she looked like a weak chicken.

The referee covered his mouth and yelled, "Oh my god, the arena is surrounded by monsters. Liu Cheng is really amazing, he can summon so many monsters..."

The audience also became restless.

They were shocked by Liu Cheng's actions.

It's amazing, it's awesome.

"Liu Cheng, do you think I'll be exhausted if you use monsters to hold me back?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows amusedly, and directly stuffed a pill into her mouth.

In an instant, his whole body had strength, and even his face became ruddy a lot.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng gritted her teeth.

How could she have forgotten that this little bitch is a pharmacist and can use pills to replenish her physical strength.

too careless...

Liu Cheng looked sideways at Baili Qinxue, with strong anger and killing intent bursting out of her eyes.

This can't go on like this, this little bitch will definitely not die.

She must find a different way to kill this little bitch, by the way, the crystal nucleus in those monsters can enhance her strength.

Then, dig out all the crystal nuclei in their heads.

"Bastards, come back to me." Liu Cheng shouted loudly.

In an instant, all the monsters surrounding Baili Qinxue ran to Liu Cheng.

The referee was a little puzzled, "What's going on, why did Liu Cheng summon all the monsters back?"

For a moment, Baili Qinxue couldn't understand what Liu Cheng was thinking, she stood there watching, but she didn't relax.

Liu Cheng grabbed it in the air, and directly grabbed a monster.

She tore the monster apart in front of everyone, and absorbed the crystal nucleus in its head.

The referee's eyes widened in horror, and said: "Contestant Liu Cheng actually killed her monster, and she seems to be still absorbing the power of the monster's crystal core..."

The audience was also taken aback by her actions.

Ah hello, this is the Summoner, right?
Why is the summoner so bloody, killing his own monster, and absorbing the power of the monster's crystal nucleus.

This is obviously a perversion...

"Liu Cheng, you're actually sucking crystal nuclei..." Baili Qinxue had seen it once before, and she wasn't frightened.

Liu Cheng killed a few more monsters, and while absorbing them, said: "Sucking crystal cores can make my ability stronger, Baili Qinxue, you are dead..."


(End of this chapter)

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