Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2025 The ugly 8 monsters in the mirror!

Chapter 2025 The ugly monster in the mirror!
Liu Cheng lowered her head subconsciously.

Baili Qinxue's magic staff had sunk into her chest, and blood gushed out like a waterfall. She stretched out her hand to cover the wound, but she couldn't stop the blood no matter what.

"Bitch, what did you do to me? Why is your magic staff on my chest?" Liu Cheng raised her eyes, stared at Baili Qinxue and said, "Why am I bleeding profusely? What have you done to me?"

Liu Cheng clutched her chest, blood slowly flowed from her fingertips, and in an instant, her hands were stained with blood.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng took a step back in panic.

Is she going to die?
so cold...

The monsters in the arena also seemed to feel that Liu Cheng's life was being lost. Without the support of Liu Cheng's power, they also froze in place and did not move again.

"Bitch, what on earth did you do to me, I'm so cold..." Liu Cheng roared, the wound on his body was torn open again, and the blood flowed a little more violently.

Baili Qinxue turned her head to look at her, her eyes were deep and sharp, "I didn't do anything to you, you look like a ghost, I'm helping you out, and you don't want to continue to suffer go down?"

"Painful?" Liu Cheng raised her head and sneered, "I'm not in pain at all. Now that I've practiced evil exercises and become so powerful, it's too late for me to be happy."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, "But, you have become so ugly, even if you find someone on the side of the road, they are more beautiful than you."

Liu Cheng suddenly widened her eyes.

This bitch is simply alarmist.

She is so beautiful and good-looking, and after she kills the bitch, she will go to meet Brother Mu Liu, so she is still very confident in her appearance.

"Bitch, don't talk nonsense, I'm so beautiful, how dare you call me ugly?" Liu Cheng pulled out the staff and threw it on the ground.

Baili Qinxue beckoned, and the staff immediately returned to her hand, "If you don't believe me, you can ask the referee, are you ugly or beautiful?"

Both of them looked at the referee.

The referee swallowed, always feeling a lot of pressure.

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows with a gloomy expression, "Referee, do I look good?"

The referee looked at Liu Cheng's face and almost vomited.

Damn, it's so ugly, there are blood holes all over her face and body, she can't match her beauty at all, she's even uglier than Ruhua from the next village.

"Here, I..." The referee wiped the sweat from his forehead, he really didn't dare to say it, what if he was torn apart by Liu Cheng?
Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows, and said a little unhappy: "Referee, why don't you say anything, am I beautiful or ugly?"

Could it be that the referee was overwhelmed by his beauty?
Baili Qinxue smiled and said, "If the referee finds it difficult to say something, you can ask someone to bring a mirror. Miss Liu Cheng will understand everything after looking at it herself."

The referee suddenly became enlightened and immediately asked the staff to fetch the mirror.

"Player Liucheng, here is a mirror for you." The referee handed the mirror to Liucheng.

Liu Cheng took the mirror proudly, "It's sensible to know how to bring a mirror."

The referee laughed a few times, "The Liucheng contestant, please take a photo."

Liu Cheng turned the mirror over, and a bloody and bloody cheek was instantly reflected inside, so ugly that the original appearance could not be seen clearly at all.

"Ah..." Liu Cheng threw the mirror out in fright, "Who is that monster in the mirror?"

The one in the mirror was no longer a human being, but a hideous, hideous monster, a disgusting monster.


(End of this chapter)

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