Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2026 I'm Itchy, I'm So Painful...

Chapter 2026 I'm Itchy, I'm So Painful...

Liu Cheng didn't care about her bleeding abdomen, she subconsciously covered her cheeks.

In an instant, a thick wetness spread on his hands again, it was the wetness of blood, and accompanied by a tingling pain, it hit Liucheng's nerves.

Liu Cheng opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Could it be that the ugly monster in the mirror is really himself?

"No..." Liu Cheng turned pale and muttered, "Why did I become like this, that person asked me to practice evil exercises and didn't say that I would become like this, why? "

She's so ugly, how can she meet Big Brother Mu Liu?
Brother Mu Liu will definitely not like her anymore, and her father will definitely give her up when he sees her so ugly.

Why is this happening, why?
Liu Cheng shook her head abruptly, her eyes trembling uncontrollably.

"I've seen people who have practiced evil exercises before, and they have become so ugly like you." Baili Qinxue paused and said, "After all, this thing is evil, and you must give it up if you want to practice it Something, it might be your appearance, or it might be your own soul."

Liu Cheng has been contaminated by evil things, and the soul is probably not pure...

"Hehe..." Liu Cheng sneered, and her body kept shaking.

She didn't even hear that person said that she would have to pay such a price. If she could, she wouldn't want blood and evil skills. She wanted her own beauty.

"Little bitch, it's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have become like this..." Liu Cheng raised his head to the sky and roared, his ugly face was like a monster with claws and teeth.

Baili Qinxue looked at her, her voice was cold and without any warmth, "It's not my fault, it's your selfishness that made you fall/degenerate to the point of cooperating with the devil... Is the person who gave you the evil exercises a wear The handsome man in the purple clothes was also the one who rescued you?"

Liu Cheng trembled, and blurted out, "How do you know?"

Sure enough, it was that mysterious and evil man in purple again.

What on earth does he want to do?

"As I said, I have seen those people who were tortured by evil exercises." Baili Qinxue looked at Liu Cheng firmly, "Liu Cheng, can you tell me, what kind of person is that?"

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth, trembling with fright, "No... I won't tell you..."

She had sworn to the man in purple that if she told about him, she would be punished accordingly.

Although, she didn't know what kind of punishment it would be, but it would definitely be very painful, perhaps life-threatening, and she didn't want to die...

Baili Qinxue looked at Liu Cheng coldly, and said, "I guess you don't know too much information, I'd better check some things by myself, and you won't live long."

Liu Cheng only felt that the strength of her body was disappearing.

But she still snorted coldly, putting on a very proud look.

Baili Qinxue looked at her and laughed silently, "Your body is already so broken, the wound left on your abdomen just now is enough to kill you, you really won't live long..."

Moreover, she just blurted out something about the man in purple, and she probably died soon.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and said, "Just now you blurted out that you had something to do with the man in purple, and you broke your oath, you probably will soon..."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Cheng's eyes suddenly widened, her whole body seemed to be attacked by ants and became painful.

She fell directly to the ground, blood slowly staining the arena red.

"Ah, it hurts so much, my bones are so itchy..." Liu Cheng kept scratching her body, and in an instant, she tore apart the flesh with all her strength, and the white bones inside were clearly visible.


(End of this chapter)

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