Chapter 2042 Kill that woman!
Dugu Sheng's eyes widened suddenly, and his dead eyes were round and round, looking extremely terrifying.

It's unreasonable that his formation is so exquisite that it should be destroyed by a woman who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Dugu Sheng stood where he was, with his fingertips slightly tucked in, and a voice echoed in his heart, that he wanted that woman to die!

Bang bang bang.

The barriers around the formation had been completely shattered, and Baili Qinxue walked out of the formation unharmed, flicking her sleeves. The long swords in her hands were shining brightly, gleaming with a terrible coldness under the infiltration of the sun.

"Hey, big bun, have you played enough?" Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng with a half-smile, and said, "Although you may not remember who I am now, I'm really upset right now."

When this brat comes to his senses, she must punish him well.

Baili Qinxue clenched her fists as she thought about it.

Dugu Sheng tilted his head, with a dazed expression, as if he couldn't understand what she was saying at all.

"Kill you..." Dugu Sheng licked the corner of his lips, with empty eyes and hostility all over his body, he looked like Shura from hell.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and there seemed to be a coldness in her eyes, "It seems that you can only say this now, no matter what, I only have one thought now, which is to defeat you."

As soon as the words fell, Baili Qinxue rushed forward, as fast as a shooting star.

Dugu Sheng tilted his head, let out a snort, and caught up with Baili Qinxue's speed in the blink of an eye. The two fought together again, and the sound of clanging weapons lingered in everyone's ears again.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, only to feel that the blood in their hearts was boiling again.

Ahhh, both of them are amazing.

That Baili Qinxue destroyed such an exquisite formation is simply amazing.

And the one named Dugu Sheng, although very powerful, looked a little strange, with a murderous aura all over his body, which was quite different from the beginning.

Still, it's a good look.

The crowd cheered again excitedly.

"Come on, player Dugu Sheng, we bet all the gold coins on you, ahhh..."

"Come on, contestant Dugu Sheng!"

He even cheered on this perverted brat again!

Baili Qinxue's complexion changed, she gritted her teeth angrily, and the strength in her hands became heavier.

Dugu Sheng felt a bit of murderous aura overflowing from her body, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This woman didn't have any murderous intent just now, so why did she suddenly... have a murderous intent?

Dugu Sheng tilted his head, and looked at Baili Qinxue with a cute face, his dark eyes were still as dead as the sea, looking at him like this, he still had a cute feeling.

Baili Qinxue let out a laugh, the strength in her hand still hadn't diminished in the slightest, she raised her foot and kicked Dugu Sheng.

Dugu Sheng clutched his chest and snorted.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, took advantage of the victory and pursued, punching and kicking Dugu Sheng.

Dugu Sheng's muffled snorts resounded again and again, this really ruthless in her attacks.

He narrowed his eyes, a ray of lingering light appeared in his eyes, he stretched out his hand, grabbed her ankle accurately, and threw her out directly.


Baili Qinxue fell to the ground, her whole body felt as if she had been crushed, she gritted her teeth in pain, and she fed herself another Xiao Huan Dan, only then did she feel much more comfortable.

This brat is really powerful, it seems that to defeat him, some countermeasures are needed.

Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, looking for his weak point.


(End of this chapter)

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