Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2043 Axue, what's wrong with me?

Chapter 2043 Axue, what's wrong with me?
When Dugu Sheng met her fiery gaze, his eyes became even more dazed.

This woman has been watching what she is doing, so strange...

I really want to kill her quickly.

Dugu Sheng licked his fingertips, a terrifying murderous aura flooded his eyes, and a faint light flickered.

"Look at me again, I'll kill you..." Dugu Sheng parted his lips, his whole face twisted.

Baili Qinxue didn't show any signs of fear, instead she curled her lips into a smile, "Big Baozi, you said a few more words, I thought you would keep repeating that sentence."

Dugu Sheng tilted his head, the murderous look in his eyes became more intense, and his whole person also had a dark taste.

Holding a sword in both hands, Baili Qinxue paced around him bit by bit.

Dugu Sheng blinked his dead eyes, staring at her fixedly.


Baili Qinxue once again bullied her, waving the long sword in her hand continuously, and wisps of Ling Ran's sword light refracted out.

Dugu Sheng was slightly dumb, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to block it.

Baili Qinxue took advantage of this gap and threw countless fireballs at him.

The fireball struck Dugu Sheng with a scorching momentum.

With a bang, before Dugu Sheng could react, his shoulders were scalded. In an instant, his skin was burned, and unpleasant smells wafted out, accompanied by the smell of fresh blood. Li Qinxue's nose.

Baili Qinxue trembled all over, looking at his burned arm, she felt a little uncomfortable.

She never knew that one day she would use fire magic on him and hurt him so badly... She touched her heart, feeling a little sour.

However, now is not the time to blame yourself.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes, and the fighting spirit in her eyes became even stronger.

For herself and for that brat, she absolutely wants to win.

She took up her double swords and once again took advantage of the victory to pursue.

Dugu Sheng's arm was injured, and his whole body became irritable. He let out a roar, and rushed towards Baili Qinxue, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, reckless and terrifying...

Baili Qinxue found that Dugu Sheng, who was under control, seemed to be a bit stupid, and his strength was not as good as before. Sometimes he likes to go on a rampage when he is irritable.

As she watched, the corners of her lips curled up again.

After all, this is an excellent chance to win...

She squinted her eyes, her eyes were hot with a bit of unyielding firmness, she stepped forward, and once again faced Dugu Sheng head-on.

In a dark house.

The man in purple rubbed the crystal ball excitedly.

"Haha, let's fight." The hoarse voice of the purple-clothed man sounded again, "Summoner, you really didn't let me down, this really was a wonderful feast of cannibalism, I guess it's coming to an end, you really are clever……"

The man in purple frowned and smiled, his hoarse laughter gradually echoing in the house.

inside the field.

Baili Qinxue threw hot flames again, and countless small fireballs stabbed at Dugu Sheng again.

Bang bang bang.

The small fireball sank into the ground, making countless pits.

Dugu Sheng's eyes widened suddenly, he had no time to dodge and was hit straight again, in an instant, he fell directly to the ground, his whole body smelled of anxiety.

Baili Qinxue looked at him who fell to the ground, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

Is it finally over?

She walked forward with a flick of her sleeves, looked down at Dugu Sheng, and said, "Big Baozi, are you going to fight now?"

Dugu Sheng looked at the ground blankly, what is going on?

"Axue, what's wrong with me?"


(End of this chapter)

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