Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2044 What the hell, I don't understand?

Chapter 2044 What the hell, I don't understand?

Dugu Sheng only felt that he had had a long dream. When he woke up from the dream, he was in a strange place. His family, Axue, hit him with a fireball. He couldn't dodge and was knocked down to the ground.

Thinking about it now, it's really sad.

Dugu Sheng lay on the ground, and moved his fingertips. In an instant, a pain came over him, which made him grit his teeth.

His family, Axue, is very aggressive. He shouldn't have done anything wrong, right?

huh huh...

Baili Qinxue looked at him blankly after hearing the words, "Big bun, what did you call me just now, call me again..."

What if she got it wrong...

Dugu Sheng tried to raise his head, looked at Baili Qinxue and asked, "Axue, did I do something wrong? Why did you hit me? You hit me hard..."

Despite the pain in his body, he still tried his best to raise a bright smile.

Ah Xue would definitely not hit him out of nowhere, there must be something hidden, he would never be angry.


When Baili Qinxue heard the words, her heart trembled violently, and a string in her heart was completely broken at this moment.

"You bastard, did you finally wake up to me?"

Baili Qinxue looked at him, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and a gleam of crystal flashed in her eyes, which was really pretty.

Ever since this brat lost his memory, he had never heard this name, and now hearing this name actually felt a sense of intimacy, and it also made her want to cry.

It's like finding light in the aimless night, which makes people want to hold on to it firmly.

"It's really great..." Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng's blank expression, and the smile on the corner of her lips became more intense, like stars in the dark night, bright and beautiful.

Seeing her smile, Dugu Sheng's heart trembled.

It was so damn beautiful that he forgot about the pain in his body.

So, Ah Xue smiled so beautifully, he must have done nothing wrong, right?

But why did you beat him, and what did you say that you finally remembered?
"Axue, what are you talking about?" Dugu Sheng frowned.

Baili Qinxue gradually narrowed her eyes. Could it be that this guy doesn't remember anything?

Also, this guy suddenly regained his memory, which caught people off guard.

Could it be that his amnesia, coupled with control, coupled with defeating him himself, became a good medicine to restore memory, just like the one on TV that opened up the two channels of Ren and Du?
Baili Qinxue rubbed her chin, she couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, but she said, "When the competition is over, let's go back and talk slowly. Now you admit defeat to me, so we can end it quickly and get the money quickly."

Dugu Sheng looked around, and only then did he see the situation here clearly.

It seems to be an arena. Could it be that Ah Xue beat him just now for the purpose of competing?

Haha, he did nothing wrong.

Dugu Sheng lay on the ground, but his voice was very loud, "Referee, I can't move anymore, I surrender..."

The referee jumped onto the field and asked with some seriousness: "Contestant Dugu Sheng, are you sure you want to admit defeat? Once you admit defeat, you will lose the qualification to snatch the magical water?"

What the hell is the magic water?

Dugu Sheng frowned, and said seriously: "Referee, I can't move anymore, I must admit defeat."

The miraculous water must be what A Xue wants, and he must not snatch it.

"Because Dugu Sheng surrendered, Baili Qinxue won this competition." The referee shouted excitedly.

Baili Qinxue squatted down with a smile, stroked Dugu Sheng's hair, and said: "The big bun is still good, so obedient..."


(End of this chapter)

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