Chapter 2063 Come feed me~
When the three heard this, their laughter became even more rampant.

When the laughter stopped, several murderous intents flashed in the eyes of the three of them, "If you don't want to hand it over, your lives will end here. Do you want the Dust Pig or your life? ?”

Baili Qinxue rubbed her palm and said lightly, "What if we want both?"

When the three of them heard the words, they laughed even more, as if they were looking at two idiots who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, "Just you two brats, how dare you speak so brazenly?"

Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, looking calm.

Dugu Sheng was also playing with his fingertips boredly, completely ignoring the three of them.

Seeing their arrogant attitude, the three of them became more angry in their hearts, "Two brats who don't know what to do, do you know what will happen if you offend our three brothers?"

"The worst thing is to die." Baili Qinxue said lightly, "Didn't you just say that you want to end us in this place?"

The three of them laughed loudly, looking at them as if they were looking at a dead body, "You can see clearly, but you are all going to die."

Baili Qinxue sneered, "Really?"

Dugu Sheng has already revealed his long sword, and the cold and sharp long sword exudes murderous aura, "I think you are the ones who should be damned."

The three laughed loudly, and just about to say something, they saw a flash of sword light, and all three of them were killed by the sword, and fell directly to the ground.

Dugu Sheng looked at the corpse on the ground, stroked the blood stains on the sword, and snorted coldly, "I was spoiled by the waiter in the morning. If it weren't for too many people in the inn, I would have killed the killer a long time ago. The three of you hit the gun From the mouth, it can be regarded as unlucky, and you have to blame yourself."

Baili Qinxue smiled and summoned the little snake.

The little snake swallowed and swallowed the venom, melting the bodies of the three people.

Baili Qinxue looked at the gray sky and said, "Let's hide the dust pigs in the space now, and then we'll find a way to roast them and eat them when we get back to the inn."

Dugu Sheng nodded.

When the two of them returned to the inn, they saw the waiter in the inn looking condescending, "Have you two not found anything to eat?"

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other without shaking their heads.

Now the waiter in the shop became even more embarrassed, "Looking at your disheveled looks, I know that you have nothing to eat, so have you thought about it, as long as you exchange something, you can eat hot food."

The two shook their heads tacitly again, "No need, we're not hungry."

After the words fell, the two returned to the room.

The waiter looked at the backs of the two leaving, and couldn't help but spit.

Two paupers, wait to starve to death, haha.

Back in the room, Dugu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Axue, we are about to enter the space where we want you, and in your space we can barbecue as we like."

Yes, space!

Baili Qinxue pulled Dugu Sheng back, and saw that the scene in front of her was constantly changing, and they soon came into the space.

The space is like a paradise. Once inside, it is full of aura, and immediately makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally. Dugu Sheng is lying happily on the grass, with his legs wide open, and his movements are free and unrestrained.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, and made some space to drink well water, "Big bun, do you want some water?"

Dugu Sheng lay lazily, and said: "I want to drink, Axue, come and feed me..."


(End of this chapter)

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