Chapter 2064 Barbecue in space!

Dugu Sheng blinked, his eyes were wet, his tone was sweet and soft, and he looked like he was acting like a baby.

Seeing his appearance, Baili Qinxue was instantly lovable.

She handed the well water to his mouth and fed it mouthful.

It wasn't until the well water was finished that Dugu Sheng wiped his mouth again.

The monsters in the space, seeing them showing affection, felt as if they were stabbed in the chest.

Torturing and killing a single monster, my heart hurts...

Chi Yao was lying on his side, his hands were still combing Yaohong's long hair, seeing that they were still showing affection, he couldn't help frowning, and said: "I heard that you were thrown into a barren land, it's really pitiful."

Little Pink was playing with Erhuo, and when she saw them coming, she hurriedly joined them happily.

"Xuexue, I heard that you were thrown into a barren land, where it is said that birds don't shit, you are really pitiful." Little Pink's eyes were sharp, and she saw the three dust pigs on the ground at once, and said: "Three dead pigs... Xuexue, is this the food you gave me?"

The stupid cat is playing after the toad.

The little bamboo beast and the little blue bird also rubbed against Baili Qinxue's feet, looking very affectionate.

Baili Qinxue reached out and nodded their heads, seeing the lively appearance in the space, she couldn't help but feel a little softer in her heart, "This is not for you, food is scarce in the barren land, this is why we don't have enough food. The Dust Pig, which was easily found, eats so much in the space, haven't you eaten enough?"

Hearing this, Little Pink stuck out her tongue playfully.

After talking for a while, Baili Qinxue condensed the magic of Qi and Fire in her palm, and roasted the three dust pigs in one go.

Coincidentally, there were still some seasonings in the space, and Baili Qinxue happily sprinkled the seasonings on it. In an instant, a fresh and fragrant smell of meat spread across the noses of the two of them.

"This dust pig is really delicious." Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, and the smile in her eyes became more intense.

Dugu Sheng also took a sip, his eyes lit up, "The taste is really good..."

After the three sand dust pigs were roasted, Baili Qinxue tore off a pig leg and handed it to Dugu Sheng.

Dugu Sheng took it with a smile.

Baili Qinxue also tore off a pork leg. She squinted her eyes happily when the fresh and tender pork was in her mouth. "The seasoning is added, and the heat is right. This tastes really good."

Dugu Sheng smiled and nodded.

"Xuexue, I also want to eat the meat of the dusty pig." Little Pink licked the corners of her mouth, and looked at the dusty pork on the shelf with bright eyes.

It's so delicious, I really want to eat it.

Baili Qinxue handed a little bit of meat to it, and said, "Here's a little bit for you. There is a shortage of food in the barren land. These dusty pork are the daily food for me and the big buns."

Little Pink nodded, and bit down the pork in her hand with a whimper.

After eating the pork, they drank a little well water, and they lived a very good life.

If people outside know that they have both water and flesh, they will definitely be pissed off.

After eating, Dugu Sheng lay lazily on the grass again, lazily said: "Axue, where shall we stay tonight, I think it would be very nice to live in the space, it's much better than that wing room."

Baili Qinxue rubbed the heads of the little monsters, and said: "I also had this intention. I originally thought that if I suddenly disappeared outside, I would be remembered by those who care about me. Now, this wing room has become ours. Stronghold, no one will know if we disappear suddenly.”

When Dugu Sheng heard this, he suddenly laughed.

What a smart Ashe, renting the inn is just to deceive others...


(End of this chapter)

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