Chapter 2071 Fight~
Faced with Xi Fu's sarcastic remarks, the waiter in the shop was immediately stunned, and he said: "Master Xi Fu, what are you talking about? Didn't you also read those herbs at the time, and you thought there was nothing wrong with it, so you gave me the healing pill. I just left."

The waiter in the shop didn't understand him a little bit. Didn't he smile happily when he got the herbal medicine?

Why has it become so scary now?

"You still want to talk nonsense." Xi Fu snorted coldly at him, the anger in his eyes was so much that it was about to overflow.

The waiter was taken aback by his cold expression. What the hell is this guy going crazy? If he wasn't a pharmacist, the waiter would have wanted to be rude to him a long time ago.

"Master Xi Fu, what's the matter, isn't the herb I gave you pretty good?" the shop waiter asked quite patiently.

Xi Fu glanced at him, the anger in his eyes still didn't fade away, but intensified, "You still want to ask me what's wrong... The herbs you gave me looked good, but just now they caught fire on their own. , burned to ashes all at once, did you add something to the grass to make them burn?"

When the waiter heard this, his heart trembled. Was he being suspected for no reason?

"It's not me, Mr. Xi Fu, you have to trust me, I definitely didn't do it." The shop waiter hastily explained: "Mr. Xi Fu, could it be that you accidentally got the sparks on it when you were refining the medicine? This made those herbs burnt?"

The waiter carefully guessed.

When Xi Fu heard it, he glared at him directly, "Are you indirectly saying that I am not good at refining medicine?"

Hearing the words, the waiter in the shop hurriedly shook his head and said, "Master Xi Fu, how could I have such a meaning, I just think, could you be careless..."

Xi Fu's complexion changed, he stared and said: "Don't talk nonsense, you little boy in the shop, how could my lord make such a low-level mistake, you must have set me up."

The waiter kept shouting for injustice, "Master Xi Fu is really not me, please don't slander others."

Xi Fu sneered, "My lord will not be a rogue casually, even if you don't admit it, I will believe that you can do it, and my lord will not make things difficult for you, as long as you return the two gems you exchanged from me yesterday Once Dan comes back, I'll stop worrying about it."

When the waiter heard this, his expression changed involuntarily.

Those are the two recovery pills that he got with great difficulty, how can he just pay them back?
"Master Xi Fu, it's not good to be like this. Exchanging things is a business of your own accord. How can you change your mind now?" The waiter's face was a little ugly, and he looked at Xi Fu with less respect than before.

Xi Fu coldly said, "I want what you love, it's obvious that you played tricks on me first, and it's only natural for me to get back my own things now."

The waiter took a step back and looked at Xi Fu warily, "I repeat, I didn't tamper with the medicinal herbs at all. Mr. Xi Fu, you don't mean to grab it by force, do you?"

Xi Fu rubbed his fingertips, his eyes were greedy and sharp, "I came here to take back my own things, if you don't give them to me, don't blame me for being rude."

After finishing speaking, he threw a fireball at the waiter.

The shop clerk stepped aside.

In an instant, there was only a bang, and a big hole was blasted out of the inn, and the inside became jumpy for a while.

The crowd did not dissuade them, but stepped back and watched with interest.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng also followed to an empty corner, watching with excitement.


(End of this chapter)

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