Chapter 2072 Secretly doing something bad~
at this time……

Dian Xiaoer and Xi Fu fought particularly fiercely.

The sound of bang bang bang kept ringing in the inn. In an instant, the inn became dilapidated, and all the tables and other things inside were smashed into pieces.

"Master Xi Fu, please don't fight. Our inn itself is not strong. If the fight continues, this inn will be destroyed." The waiter opened his mouth while avoiding Xi Fu's attack.

Xi Fu ignored what the waiter was saying, he sneered, and said, "If you don't hand over the two recovery pills today, I will never let you go."


The shop clerk was attacked by the fireball, he touched the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and said: "I bought those two healing pills with herbs, it's a normal transaction, I won't give it back to you no matter what .”

This Xi Fu acted recklessly just because he was a pharmacist, the more he looked at it, the more he hated him.

Shop Xiaoer is a martial artist, he directly picked up the short dagger and swiped towards the west, his moves were sharp, Xi Fu was a little unresponsive, and was directly stabbed.

It hurts……

Xi Fu clutched his injured arm, looked at the waiter angrily, and said, "You brat dared to stab me, I will never let you have a good day today."

As soon as Xi Fu's aura was released, in an instant, a coercion directly hit the waiter.

The waiter suddenly widened his eyes, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes. Although Xi Fu was a pharmacist, he was also a magician. He did have some experience in combat, and he was more than enough to deal with a waiter.


Xi Fu threw another fireball at it, and the waiter took a deep breath, barely dodging it.

Xi Fu raised his eyebrows, the sharpness in his eyes became more and more intense, he lost several pasts one after another, the waiter moved his feet, and dodged one by one, but...

Baili Qinxue hid in the corner and smiled faintly, hey, with a movement of her fingertips, a ray of red flame was thrown towards the waiter in the shop.

Her flame was so small that no one would notice it, and after the tiny flame touched Xi Fu's flame, it jumped higher and higher, and then directly fused together.

The melted flame seemed to have life, and when it was about to reach the ground, it jumped up and hit the shop Xiaoer straight.

The waiter suddenly widened his eyes.

Why is this!

He obviously dodged that flame, why is it like a resurgence of ashes, and it hits him straight, and the flame is scorching hot, if it touches him, he will definitely die.

The waiter threw away the short dagger and wanted to run away, but Huo Huo seemed to have eyes, no matter where he ran, Huo Huo would chase him there.

"Damn it..." The waiter was so exhausted that he almost fell to the ground.

Just when he stopped for a moment, the flames had struck, and they attacked him with an unstoppable momentum. Then, the flames became stronger and hotter...

The waiter looked at the flames, his eyes widened...


The screams accompanied by the sound of falling flames filled everyone's ears.

Xi Fu stared blankly at everything in front of him, was his move just now so powerful?
He looked at his hands in disbelief.

His flames are so powerful, haha...

After the dust from the flames dispersed, Xi Fu looked towards the waiter, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but froze in place.


(End of this chapter)

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