Chapter 2103 The ancestral jade pendant~
"Daddy." Ding Liufeng pushed the door and entered without thinking.

The master of the Ding family was reading a book. He frowned when he heard the sound of breaking the door. The person who came just as he was about to get angry was Ding Liufeng.

"Ah, it's Liu Feng who's back." Master Ding paused and said, "Why don't you come back sooner, so Daddy and I can clean up the dust for you."

Ding Liufeng dismissed all the boys and maids outside, then closed the door, and hurriedly said: "Father, let's not talk about cleaning up the dust, I have something more important to tell you now."

Seeing his serious face, Master Ding couldn't help but get serious, "My dear son, what's bothering you?"

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth and didn't know what to say for a while. He was silent for a moment before he said, "Daddy, I remember you have a talented brother, don't you?"

He used to hear the maids whispering that his father had a talented and intelligent brother, and he was supposed to inherit the position of head of the family, but he didn't know that his father would inherit it by mistake.

He also heard from the maids that his father used some vicious tricks to take away the position of head of the family, and some people said that it was the talented brother who did some shameful deeds , This drove him out of Ding's house.

However, he is more inclined to the previous version, because his father is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he has a lot of scheming.

When Master Ding heard this, his expression immediately changed, "Son, how did you know about this?"

He remembered that he kept this matter very firmly, why did his son know about it?
Ding Liufeng's face was still serious, "I heard the maids say that when I was young, but I didn't pay attention to it at the time, thinking they were talking nonsense, but today, I saw two people and thought of what the maids said, so I have to pay attention gone."

Master Ding suddenly widened his eyes, "Who?"

It shouldn't be his brother. He remembered that his brother should be dead. At that time, he was the one who secretly sent the killer...

Ding Liufeng squinted his eyes and said: "I met two young people who are very talented in picking rocks."

Are you young?

Master Ding couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that.

Since he is a young man, he is not his brother. If his brother is still alive, he must be a bad old man.

Master Ding's anger was not completely relaxed, Ding Liufeng's words brought him into the abyss again, "However, those two young people are not only talented, but also have a familiar feeling. What's even more strange is that they have a A jade pendant, the jade pendant is very moist, and there is a small letter "T" engraved on it..."

As he said that, Ding Liufeng took out a jade pendant from his body, that jade pendant seemed to be somewhat similar to the style on Ding Chongyang's neck.

"That jade pendant seems to be very similar to my jade pendant..."

Master Ding couldn't help but suffocate when he heard this, "Son, can you see clearly, is it really similar to your jade pendant?"

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth, "You can't say they are similar, they are exactly the same..."

When Master Ding heard this, he trembled again, "Did you really pay attention?"

Ding Liufeng nodded seriously.

Master Ding pursed his lips and said in a low voice: "This jade pendant is inherited from the ancestors. Daddy has one piece in his hand, and Daddy's brother also has one piece. I gave you my piece, and my brother's piece... If what you said is true, I'm afraid it's not that simple."


(End of this chapter)

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